A garden of autumn flowers or automnals.

It so happens that in the fall, after a riot of summer colors, the garden suddenly loses its attractiveness - most of the plants have faded and faded, and those that could have become a garden decoration end up in the backyard. Meanwhile, you can admire the beauty of flowers in the fall. There are many plants that are especially good in late summer and fall, and there are many wonderful late blooming flowers. The decorative composition of them is a garden of autumn flowers or automnals (English autumn - autumn). The creation of seasonal flower beds is a fairly new trend in landscape design. Their idea is not complicated in nature: for the decoration of such flower beds, flower beds or whole corners of the garden, plants are selected that look most impressive at a certain time of the year. Among the seasonal compositions, special attention should be paid to auto-nalias - gardens of autumn flowers. The design of the auto-change is multivariate. Designers offer several solutions for autumn flower beds, leaving the garden owners room for creative thought. As a rule, the automatics are placed in a conspicuous place - near the garden path or next to the house. It can be located both in open space and under trees. A characteristic feature of the autumn garden is bright flowers of various sizes and texture, planted in a free order. Automnaly does not require symmetry or clear geometric lines, but lovers of strict forms can arrange it using the principles of planning traditional flower beds. If the general style of the garden requires it, autumn flowers can be used to decorate an alpine slide, rabatka, etc. Automnaly is a variety of colors, shapes, sizes. As for the spatial arrangement of plants, it would be appropriate to use the traditional principle of using tall plants as a background for undersized ones. Tall specimens can be planted, for example, in the background of a flower garden or in the center of a round flower bed. You can also alternate between low and tall plants so that they do not interfere with each other. For example, you can create an autumn composition by surrounding tall specimens, planted at some distance from each other within the same flower garden, with lower plants with or without observing symmetry. The color solutions of auto-analysis can also be varied - when planting plants, you can use both the principle of contrast and the principle of smooth color transitions, or create monochrome flower beds. Selection and planting of plants for automnaly. The flowers that bloom in the fall are many and varied, and each species is worth taking its place in auto-ness. In autumn compositions, shrubs are also appropriate, the foliage of which acquires bright saturated shades during this period, and mature fruits hang on the branches for a long time. Many types of autumn flowers differ in varietal diversity, and therefore in color. This should be taken into account when selecting planting material. The best choice for auto-change will be flowers of bright, saturated, unusual shades and a high degree of decorativeness. These can be Korean chrysanthemums, New England asters, helenium, various varieties of marigolds, dahlias and spray perennial asters, as well as buzulnik, rudbeckia, solidago, cannes, saxifrage, badan and others. Dahlias are an autumn garden classic. The choice of shrubs for automnaly is wide enough: in the autumn composition, you can successfully use mountain ash with crimson foliage and bunches of bright orange berries, luxurious panicle hydrangea, cotoneaster, rose hips, hawthorn, viburnum and other types of shrubs. An element of exoticism will bring sacred vitex to the auto, delighting with soft blue flowers all summer and most of autumn. An excellent backdrop for an autumn flower garden can be a hedge, a beautiful pyramidal bush, a single tree or a group of trees, such as low-growing maples, whose foliage becomes golden, purple or crimson in autumn. Atomalies usually combine perennials and annuals. This allows you to create autumn flower gardens in place of spring and summer, and also change their appearance year after year. It is necessary to form a classic autonomy starting from early spring, planting late flowering plants with a long growing season on time. In the summer they will delight the eye with lush greenery, and in the fall - with bright flowering. Of course, at the beginning and in the middle of the season, the flower garden should not be empty - spring and summer plants will be planted in it, which, as they bloom, will be replaced by autumn specimens with a short growing season. By stopping the choice on frost-resistant varieties of autumn flowers and observing the timing of their planting, you can admire the bright colors of your garden even with the onset of the first frost. Your garden will not be empty in late autumn - the last autumn flowers will give you their charm, reminding you of summer.

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