Breastfeeding is the foundation of human health

"I examined about 600 prehistoric skulls and found that prehistoric people had very good bites, little caries and beautiful facial shapes (bone structure of the face). My observations coincide with the studies of others. Weston Price and others. Isn't it ridiculous that today 75-85% of children in Western countries suck pacifiers and 89% have some form of malocclusion? It's not just a coincidence.

I have spent about thirty years researching deformities of the oral cavity. About ten years – for the study of apnea. I don't have any children of my own. I have no direct connection with the breastfeeding industry (I sometimes speak to people who work in this field). I have no other reason to support breastfeeding other than a personal belief based on my research that breastfeeding is the foundation of human health.

Based on my research, I claim that breastfeeding for at least one year is critically important for the normal development of the oral cavity, respiratory tract and facial shape. To do this, the child must learn the peristaltic / oscillatory movement of the tongue. Breastfeeding develops the perioral muscles. The most significant period of craniofacial growth occurs in the first four years of life. Early development affects our health until the end of life.."

Dr. Brian Palmer (USA) is a dentist who is known worldwide for his presentations on how breastfeeding affects the development of the oral cavity, respiratory tract and face shape, as well as on topics related to breastfeeding - infant caries, ankyloglossia, snoring and obstructive apnea syndrome, sudden death syndrome the fate of death.

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