Law of vibration
Conscious vibration rules and governs the universe. Vibration means movement of every kind. When vibration lacks the rhythmic consciousness that guides it, then it is an obstacle. Consciousness in itself is vibration and consists of various forms of thought. Thoughts are separated from one another by different degrees of vibration, and as long as there is no relationship between vibration, there can be no definition of vibration in the universe.
Every thing in creation has a certain degree of vibration. If two waves move next to each other, then this is a consensus, but when one wave hits the other, then there is a reaction of forces. In order to live in accordance, you must avoid opposing vibrations in your life. The vibrations of the physical being must be consistent with the vibrations of the surrounding physical environment. A harmonious person has around himself harmonious vibrations of colors, shapes, etc.
Some degrees of vibration balanced in the cosmic rhythm create before us a mighty cosmos. Just as the sun concentrates planets and stars around itself through its magnetic power, so our ego concentrates our thoughts and cells around itself. If this Ego dies or becomes unconscious, then all thoughts will gradually disappear from the body, the power ligaments will collapse and the cells of the body will begin to collapse.
Vibration depending on people
In relation to people, you may know whether good or bad vibrations surround you. First of all, a certain feeling appears. In your heart you always need to maintain a very subtle feeling, completely free from prejudice.
The best way to recognize the quality of vibrations of people around you is to focus on the sensual microphone in your heart. The senses of the heart are the most sensitive of all senses. You must be completely free from all ties with the opposite sex and from all attraction and repulsion. You must be in a neutral state of consciousness. When you have this clean microphone that does not judge in terms of prejudice or feelings, then you will develop spiritual feelings in yourself - you can love everyone. You love those who are dear to you, so you can give this love to the whole world. The seeds of love grow on the soil of your heart, and they need to be watered with water of universal love and sympathy. As soon as you love all people with such love as you love your family, then you will show divine love. The ultimate goal of love is to develop this kind of love. Universal love tends to vibrate through you, but attachment, limitation and concentration on the senses inhibit the manifestations of such universal love.
What is the degree of vibration of the body, mind and soul of a person? When A is sick, then he has bad bodily vibrations, and he must push them away. When you live together with the sick all the time, they will make your consciousness sick. You must be stronger than human thoughts and suggestions. This is the way to defeat the bad vibrations that penetrate you from your environment.
Some people vibrate nervously, others swiftly and others mercilessly. Some people lack a will, and when you meet them, you immediately feel that they have no spine. Some people vibrate with affability, and you immediately begin to love them. Such vibrations are eternal and leave a lasting effect on you. You should always be at peace with your heart.
In nutrients, God also created harmony in colors, and when you cook food for too long, you destroy these colors. Thus, you act against the harmonic vibrations of food substances, and they become not appropriate for your vibrations. You need to be consistent with vibrations when eating, arranging your home life, etc. Joyful colors and colors create joyful moods in the mind. Some colors soothe, while others arouse.
Vibrations of thoughts and conclusions
Mental vibrations are so strong that living together with people who have bad vibrations of thought, you can experience their influence if you are not sufficiently protected from them. If you yourself have a sufficiently strong vibration, then you should not worry about people who have bad vibrations.
There is still a vibration of understanding (reason). If you want to be happy, then you must balance the feelings and the mind. This can happen only when you create vibrations of friendliness and intelligence around you. You need to acquire not only external vibrations, but you need to create true friendliness in yourself. What you need is a complete balance between mind and feeling. You must be ready to feel everything around you, and at the same time you need to be able to appreciate every thing in its true value. For this reason, the spiritual union of man and woman is very good, because they then combine pure feelings but with a pure mind. When someone deeply meditates and unites the soul with the spirit, such a balance of pure mind with pure feelings is expressed to the highest degree.
Soul vibration
Soul vibration occurs when a person is always aware of his oneness with God, and if you are in contact with such a person, then you will feel the presence of God. This is the vibration that you always need to carry in yourself, so that everyone who comes in contact with you will forget everything because of God's love and power. Try to be a pure crystal, which, letting in sunlight, pours it out on all people. This image of vibration will give you joy and at the same time burn all evil. Divine vibration is the most intelligent of all vibrations and creates complete agreement. When you allow this vibration to pass through you, then all other vibrations in you will become harmonious.
The God I feel is true and real of all, more real of all this human life. Constantly hoping that my eyes would be open, I reached Him. I closed my eyes against Him, however, through certain efforts and efforts to acquire harmonious vibrations in my environment internally and externally, through regular meditation, my eyes opened and I saw Him dwelling everywhere. Remember this: develop subtle sensitivity. After deep meditation, apply this perception and the total amount of feelings that you have after meditation and concentrate this feeling in your heart. This will give you the strength to radiate good vibrations and perceive good vibrations and will also give you wisdom.
These hundred years that you see in life are only a moment in eternity, and we are like bacteria. With every blinking of God's eyes, a hundred years pass. Therefore, do not waste your time. Do not be in control of your passions. Do not allow yourself to do what you do not want. Be the master of yourself. When you are convinced that you are your own master, then everything else will be insignificant. Every minute belongs to you and God, so you should not squander your time here on earth, but now you will learn to be master over yourself.
Dissolve all dissenting vibrations in your life through constant meditation. In deep contact, God manifests as always a new bliss. God of the clouds. God of the sun and moon. The God who dwells throughout Creation will enter into you and manifest as the world. And you must learn to love Him as the peace and bliss of meditation.
May this vibration OM or AMEN, connected with the music of the spheres, scatter all your darkness and bring mind and joy to your heart.
Be a Divine Magnet
Places and people have different vibrations. For this reason, holy travel places are so wonderful where people think about God and leave their spiritual vibrations there. God uses the power of love, the purity of love, and innocence to attract everyone to Himself. Every good deed that you do happens when God speaks through you. Why not get magnetism from God? Matter is not created to deny God, but to express Him. Recognize it. We are Divine warriors who came with the power of love, with the power of wisdom and the power of spirituality to spread the fire of the Spirit, which casts out all darkness from life. You must not only acquire that magnetism emanating from people and places, but you must have that magnetism that emanates through deep meditation from within through concentration, rising above the doors of meditation. Behind the kingdom of the world, behind a fabulous country, behind a country of silence is a garden of self-realization. When the power of God flows through you, you will be a divine magnet.
Part II
Water baptism
The initial baptism of water comes from India. The meaning of baptism in immersion in water also consists in bathing or purification. The cleansing of the body must precede the cleansing of the mind. Therefore, all souls who want to begin a spiritual life must first cleanse their body.
Cleanliness is the first step towards divinity,
however, the baptism of the body, which is not followed by the baptism of the mind, does not matter. If we bathe and thus purify our body, we will find that our mind is also purified at the same time, but until we change the godlessness of our souls to calm, meditation and constant spiritual vigor, we will remain in the same bad habits, despite the short-term consequences of purification of our body with water.
In order to explain to his disciples, the Hindu saint used a comparison:
Sons, it is necessary to bathe in the Ganges in order to cleanse the mind of sins. Your sins will leave you for a while while you are bathing in holy water, but they will be waiting for you at the shore on the trees, and as soon as you come out of the sanctifying influence of holy water, they will again attack you.
If you bathe daily and meditate immediately afterwards, then you will feel the power of baptism with water. Water opens the pores of the skin, giving the opportunity to exit harmful bodily poisons, calming and satisfying the body. Water refreshes the tips of nerves and sends a feeling of cold through all vital centers, keeping all vital energies in balance. All life first arose from energy, then from nebulae, then from water. All vital seeds are certainly connected to water. Physical life cannot exist without water.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Man is a combination of body, vital energy and consciousness. His consciousness is a reflection of Christ consciousness. His body is saturated with cosmic energy and vitality. His life force is a reflection of cosmic energy. Consciousness, vitality and body are steps of different conscious cosmic vibration. A life force with a higher degree of vibration can become cosmic consciousness, and a life force that vibrates roughly turns into electrons, atoms, molecules and the human body. The human body, vitality and consciousness, being three different vibrations, are contained together through the core of the ego and soul. Man is a condensed vibration. In order to free the soul from the body, vitality and consciousness of their threefold vibration, it must be baptized or reunited with the original cosmic vibration of OM. When the waves are separated from the sea, it is necessary to expand the barriers of the waves, until they take the form of the sea.
In the same way, when the soul feels limited by the physical body, astral body and spiritual body, then it can be shown to it how to consciously free oneself from these three bodies and how they can expand in the spirit. Through deep meditation, the body unleashes its atomic vibrations and becomes a life force, and through deeper meditation the astral body is transformed into a spiritual body. Then, through wisdom, spiritual consciousness expands to Christ consciousness.
It must be remembered that a yogi (or one who practices yoga, or one who seeks to unite his soul with the Absolute) or a student of self-realization, when he hears cosmic vibration, his mind is separated from the physical sounds of matter outside his body and turns to circulating sounds vibrating body. Then his consciousness is separated from the vibrations of the astral body. Through even deeper meditation, his consciousness is transferred from the vibrations of the astral body to the conscious vibrations of all atoms. Then the yogi’s consciousness hears the Holy Spirit, or the cosmic sound that emanates from all atoms. This is the way in which ordinary consciousness can be crystallized or expanded to the consciousness of Christ through the expanding power of the Holy Spirit or through the pervasive sounds of OM vibration, which can be heard in meditation, practicing the meditation technique that is taught in the first stage.
When you hear OM, this sound passes not only around the Earth, but through all space and eternity. The sound that emanates from the vibrations of all atoms is called the “Holy Spirit” or “The Holy Vibration”. If someone through the practice of deep meditation is able to exclude all material sounds, then his consciousness passes through musical astral sounds to the sound of OM, or “the Holy Spirit.” When the yogi’s consciousness is able to hear not only this cosmic sound, but also feel its immediate essence in each particle of space in all transient vibrating matter, then the soul of the yogi becomes one with the Holy Spirit or with the Holy Vibration.
Jesus, this Savior (yogi), having met his Guru from past lives, St. John, was baptized by this omnipresent sound OM, and He also saw a holy dove or light with two wings of gold and blue (which expresses the vibrating creation and consciousness of Christ) and moon with silver rays (expresses the Spirit).
Christ consciousness baptism
Omnipresent OM sound (vibration ) means:
You are My Son.
Jesus felt his consciousness consistent with the consciousness of Christ, or the only begotten reflection of the Mind of the Holy Vibration of God the Father. In other words, Jesus first of all felt his body as an everywhere vibrating Creation, in which his small body was enclosed. Then, having felt his cosmic limited body, He felt that in the body of the whole cosmic Creation there is Christ, or Universal Mind. This Christ is the Only Begotten Son, for He is the active immediate transcendental (being above creative vibration) the only active reflected Intelligence in the vibrating Creation of God the Father. Just as the husband is born again in the wife, both the son and God the Father (Transcendental Mind) are reflected on the chest of the mother of the Virgin Mary (born of the Virgin), as the Only Begotten Son, or Christ consciousness.
The Christian Church mistakenly did not separate the body of Jesus from Jesus, the means in which the only begotten Son, or Christ consciousness, appeared. Jesus Himself said that He does not speak of His body as the Only Begotten Son, but of His Soul, which was not embodied in the body, but was one with the Only Begotten Son, the Christ consciousness at every point of vibration. God so loved the world (or matter) that he gave His only begotten Son to save the world, i.e. God the Father remains hidden as the Mind of Christ in all matter and in all living beings, in order to bring all things back to His holiest abode through beautifully expressed words, when they endure all worldly trials and end up being born in matter (incarnate, i.e. “more not born in the world ”).
Jesus said that to all who accepted Him, He gave authority to be sons of God. The “Sons of God” in the plural definitely indicate from His own lips that not His body, but His Spirit was the Only Begotten Son and that the Sons of God can be all those who transform their consciousness through meditation and accept or reflect the power of God. In other words, they can merge with the only created reflection in all matter and become the Sons of God, just like Jesus.
The spirit cannot be biased, creating only one Jesus and making all other people mortal beings. God can create thousands of Jesus in a divine sense. Being chosen, they would naturally hold on the earth as Christes, as God's spiritual dolls, however such Christes cannot be ideals, with mortal aspirations and all their weaknesses. When, however, we see a person who, through his own efforts and through his free choice given by God and the corresponding use of the ability of meditation, has become Christ, then we can have hope for salvation in our weak, exhausted matter, seized with fear, fearful, fragile breasts of a person.
Baptize human consciousness
Just as a man is reborn in a wife, both a son and an inactive God the Father acts and manifests in the Holy Spirit and becomes the only reflected, Only Begotten Son. Therefore, the disciples of self-realization must remember that when they hear and feel the cosmic sound in the whole physical, astral and spiritual Holy Spirit, their consciousness will vibrate throughout Creation. When their expanded consciousness stabilizes throughout Creation, they will begin to feel the existence of Christ consciousness in all vibration. Then the disciple becomes like Christ, his consciousness experiences the second coming of Christ, and he feels the consciousness of Christ in his body, just as Jesus felt Christ manifested in His body. All human beings find their consciousness secretly connected with the body, however, listening and feeling the vibrations of OM and the intuitive consciousness of Christ, the yogi learns that the cosmic consciousness of God the Father exists inactive in areas where there is no movement or vibration of the Holy Spirit. The vibrations of the Holy Spirit are limited in a certain part of space, which is occupied by space and all the islands of the universe.
The holy vibration is a compacted planetary creation.
When a student feels his consciousness connected to the consciousness of Christ, then he learns that the consciousness of Christ is a reflection of the Cosmic consciousness of God the Father. Then the student, like Jesus, can say:
I (Christ consciousness in Creation) and my Father (Cosmic consciousness above / above / Creations) are one.
When there is a vibrating creation, there is also God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When the holy vibration is destroyed with the destruction of the cosmos (which will be greater than Noah's flood, which was only partial death), then God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will automatically return to the unmanifest absolute Spirit.