Disappeared continents and civilizations

Scientists have long been saying that humanity misrepresents its origins on Earth. Everything seems to be there: both a monkey and an ancient man. But there is not enough transitional link between them.

But there is another, more interesting fact. Few people know that the wheat that people have been growing since the era of the pyramids does not have wild varieties in nature. It turns out that someone gave it to humanity.

And there is a lot of evidence of this. For example, the hexoploid wheat that exists today is a complex hybrid that has existed on the planet for about eight thousand years. Someone with his invisible hand crossed three varieties and got this variety, because this could not happen spontaneously. Biologists are sure that it was absolutely impossible to create species-free breeding from complex cereals thousands of years ago.

The oldest cultivated plant on Earth is corn. Mexican archaeologists have discovered fifty thousand years old maize pollen during excavations. But this plant also does not have a wild-growing ancestor in nature. Moreover, it cannot grow without the help of a person: an ear that has not been ripped off in time, simply falls and rots.

However, science says that primitive man appeared only forty thousand years ago.
But who then grew corn long before the advent of Homo sapiens, and artificially changed the genetic code of soybeans and other legumes millions of years ago?

Modern scientists have also learned to create genetically modified organisms, but even they have not yet succeeded in crossing two varieties and getting viable offspring. Nature has a secret that has not yet been revealed, and it is possible that its key is hidden in nanotechnology, which should be used in genetic engineering.

But how could anyone know about nanotechnology thousands of years ago?

It turns out that he could, and this is proved by an archaeological find found in the Urals. On the Naroda River, archaeologists have stumbled upon tens of thousands of tiny spiral-shaped artifacts. The largest of them is three centimeters in size. It was found that these artifacts are composed of fairly rare metals - tungsten and molybdenum. But the biggest surprise, which was confirmed by the examination, was their age. They were about three hundred thousand years old.

Quite logically, the question arises: who could have made these artifacts, if our most distant ancestors at that time did not walk, but ran on the Earth, covered with wool. Moreover, the ratio of the thickness of the coil to the core is in the golden ratio. It is still unknown how these parts got to our planet. But there is one version that seems most likely: the artifacts are parts of some technical device, because in the same place geologists have found a large number of quartz lenses. Therefore, experts have developed a hypothesis that all finds are elements of an antenna device. According to their theory, the find had the same properties as the so-called "smart glass" - these are touch screens of tablets and phones, auto mirrors and windshields, in which filamentary heating elements made of tungsten with the addition of other rare earth metals are used ...

In this case, quartz glass is generally considered the material of the future. Some time ago, scientists at the University of Southampton invented storage media that can store data in five dimensions of nanostructured quartz. A high frequency laser is required to record data. And this is not science fiction at all, but reality.

But that is why only microscopic fragments remained from the ancient device, scientists explain easily: high-tech artifacts in the ground cannot be stored for a long time, they rust. It turns out that millions of years ago there were people on our planet who used computers or smartphones? Believe it or not, there is other evidence that high-level metallurgy was well known to the ancients.

In Delhi, near the Qutb Minar mosque, there is a metal column called the "pillar of Indra". For many millennia, it, resisting atmospheric precipitation, does not have the slightest trace of rust. The column is made of atomic iron without any sulfur or carbon impurities at the molecular level. In modern times, the production of such ideally pure iron is possible only by sputtering in space conditions, and even then only in small quantities. Presumably, the column was melted under vacuum. Iron with a similar chemical composition was found elsewhere, though not on our planet, but in lunar soil samples.

Another amazing and incomprehensible artifact was found in India - an ancient ritual caste dagger made of alloyed metal, which, by definition, should not exist on our planet. In addition, duralumin was found in the dagger, which mankind began to receive relatively recently: a little less than half a century ago. There is only one conclusion: this dagger was not made on our planet.

Historical documents of India speak of the existence of a civilization that lived on the planet millions of years ago. She had spaceships - vimanas, weapons similar to nuclear weapons, huge cities and many other factors inherent in a highly developed civilization.

Archaeologists with access to the most secret artifacts say they have found traces of intelligent life that date back to millions of years BC. Back in 1862, one of the American scientific journals published a sensational article in which it was said that human bones were found in a coal seam at a depth of more than thirty meters, while the age of coal is three hundred million years. Moreover, it was the skeleton of a creature identical to modern homo sapiens.

In the storage rooms of modern archaeologists there are already more than a hundred artifacts, which scientists cannot explain. All of them are several tens of millions of years old. At the same time, experts say that errors are excluded. But this means that our civilization is not the first on the planet, and, according to some scientists, it is not even the most developed.

In the early seventies of the last century in the African state of Gabon, when mining uranium ore, it was unexpectedly discovered that the content of fissionable uranium-235 in the samples was significantly lower than expected. Then experts began to investigate the mine, trying to find out if this uranium had already been used by someone. And the incredible thing was discovered: this uranium deposit had such outlines that, taking into account the half-life of uranium, lead to the conclusion that almost two billion years ago there were fourteen nuclear reactors in this place. All this is justified by the exact calculations of physicists.

Amazingly, some traces of the use of nuclear technology in antiquity lie literally underfoot. These are craters tens and hundreds of meters in size. Scientists believe that they are traces of meteorites falling. But in many of these craters, there are no traces of cosmic matter. But they contain tektites - stones melted at a tremendous temperature. Science has not yet formed a consensus about their origin. Tektites are the link between the phenomenon of ancient giant craters and the so-called vitrification - a process when sand and stones melt, merging into a single glassy mass. What caused this process is not clear, since there are no funnels. Therefore, if we assume that meteorites have nothing to do with it, it all comes down to an interesting version: the same phenomenon, when grains of sand melted and turned into glass, happened when Trinity was tested in New York state, which means that this is the result of a nuclear war ...

Bolivia is home to the ancient ruins of Pumapungo. This is one of the most perfect ancient buildings in Latin America: stone blocks of two hundred tons are carved in an unknown way with jewelry precision, which is simply impossible to calculate without computer technology. Moreover, scientists were shocked: to put one such block with a vertical wall, you need to "turn off" gravity for some time. It turns out that ancient civilizations could "work" with gravity. Perfectly carved megaliths are laid in stone blocks without mortar so that not even a razor blade passes between them.

Many scientists and researchers, who have been solving ancient artifacts for quite a long time, are still inclined towards an alien trail. This version is also supported by many legends and myths of the peoples, telling that the Gods came from the stars. But what were they doing on Earth?

From the analysis of archaeological finds, the conclusion suggests itself that millions of years ago, aliens mined minerals on Earth, conducted genetic experiments, wars and large-scale construction. Or just once they had a "roadside picnic" lasting several millennia.

Humanity is looking for brothers in mind, trying to penetrate deeper and deeper into space, although, quite possibly, the truth lies right under our noses.
