The main reasons for giving up meat

  1. Meat contains only 35% of nutrients. In plants - 90%. Thus, the efficiency of meat food (the ratio of the energy received from the assimilation of meat to the energy spent on its digestion) is very small.

  2. There are no amino acids in meat that are irreplaceable by other products.

  3. When justifying the consumption of meat, they refer to the fact that meat contains vitamin B12, which plants lack. However, there are other ways to obtain this vitamin - for example, the production of intestinal microflora on a raw food diet.

  4. Meat contains proteins foreign to our body, which inhibit the beneficial microflora.

  5. Meat excessively acidifies the internal environment of the body, which suppresses nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the respiratory tract, less nitrogen is absorbed from the air, therefore, the need for food increases ("zhor").

  6. Excessive amounts of proteins and purine bases contained in meat, forms in the human body many acid residues - uric acid, causing slagging and poisoning of the body.

  7. The meat is heavily contaminated with putrefactive bacteria, worm eggs. In addition, the meat of a killed animal is slagged with more than 200 harmful hormones, which the animal's body secretes from horror when it is taken to slaughter.

  8. Meat contains a lot of extractive substances, so it unnecessarily stimulates the appetite, which leads to overeating.

  9. It takes 6-8 hours to digest meat (vegetables - 4, fruits - 1), so by the next meal this meat will not have time to digest completely and will partially start to rot.

  10. Methane also destroys vitamin B6, which controls the process of cell growth, and, becoming a carcinogen, is deposited in slagged subcutaneous tissue in lipomas, papillomas, and polyps.

  11. Fish meat is no less harmful (the same cadaveric poison, in addition, all our river fish are infected with worm eggs).

  12. Meat broth is especially harmful. The "strengthening" broth actually consists of animal waste.

  13. All of the above fully applies to meat products. In addition, sausages, ham, sausages contain harmful additives.

Bone decoction food gelatin is also harmful (superconcentrate).

  1. After the consumption of meat food, heaviness arises, tends to sleep, fatigue, irritability occurs. Hot temper, aggressiveness develops.

  2. Here is what the writer and doctor V.V. Veresaev observed about meat food ("Notes for myself"). When in the 1920s he was assigned an academic ration, there was only enough meat for half a month. And then he noticed that in the first two weeks in the family there was a typical "meaty" mood - heaviness in the head, lethargy. When the meat ran out, "there was a desire to work, the mood became light, the body was mobile."
