Jalandhara bandha

3.69. Squeeze your throat and press your chin firmly against your chest. This is Jalandhara Bandha, the destroyer of old age and death.
3.70. This Bandha, which destroys throat ailments, constricts Nadis, stops the downward movement of nectar flowing from the throat opening, therefore it is called Jalandhara Bandha.
3.71. When the Jalandhara is done, not a drop of nectar will ever get into the gastric fire (and will not be burned in it), and the breath will not go the wrong way between the Nadis).
Hatha yoga pradipika

   Option 1

1. Sit in a meditative posture: in siddhasana (siddha-yoni asana), padmasana, sukhasana or vajrasana. The spine is straight, the hands are on the knees, the body is completely relaxed.
2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and hold your breath. Straightening your elbows and raising your shoulders, lower your chin so that it touches your chest, the clavicular notch.
3. Hold your breath in this position. Then relax the jalandhara, slowly raise your head, relax your shoulders and exhale slowly.
This is one cycle. Do five rounds.
Exhale very slowly and in a controlled manner. In the interval between cycles, you can do several free breaths to restore the natural rhythm.
Option 2
Perform five cycles of holding the breath as you exhale.
