7 reasons not to give bread to children

We all grew up on bread, eating it every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bread is a simple, convenient, and cheap meal. Bread is the head of everything, our grandmothers said so. We were forced to eat bread with soup, porridge, and even pasta! For the older generation, bread has a certain super-value, the status of something almost sacred. Therefore, the very thought of the dangers of bread seems blasphemous.

Once an acquaintance came up to me and said: "Tonya, I understand everything, you can talk about the dangers of meat, eggs and milk, but how can you try to eat bread ?!" It seemed to me that this is already such a well-known topic in the world of healthy eating that everyone knows why it is impossible to give bread to children. However, practice shows the opposite. People often just don’t think about what they are eating and what they are feeding their children. So I decided to go over this topic one more time.

Why did our ancestors eat bread and were healthy? Black bread was considered the basis of Siberian health, what has changed? And a lot has changed! Our great-grandfathers ate a completely different bread, from a different grain and made using different technologies. So, together, let's take a very brief look at why it is better not to give bread to children, drawing a parallel comparison between the old days and today.

  1. Growing and storage of grain

What did our ancestors make bread from? It was grain grown on ecologically clean land. In the old days, the collected sheaves were dried before threshing in a barn or barn (a pit with a stove without a pipe), then threshed and blown in the wind, dried in the sun for storage. Now we call such products Organic!

Nowadays, wheat is grown in huge quantities on the ground, which is fertilized with chemical fertilizers, the plants are covered with pesticides. For storage, grain is dried by chemical means. The grains must be protected from fungi, bacteria and rodents; for this, chemical agents are also used.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of wheat, about its extraordinary nutritional value. Check: who writes, what kind of grain is in question, on what land was this grain grown, is it organic or refined flour? Is it GMO grain or are it rare wheat varieties of our ancestors? For example, the composition of nutrients of grain grown on Ukrainian soil is very different from grain grown in Japan. Japanese soil and water are very scarce in minerals. In every country, the composition of any grain, vegetable or fruit will be different. Treat all sources of information with caution, check and study for yourself.

  1. Refining flour

Our ancestors baked ordinary bread at home from wholemeal flour. They took wheat, ground it - and here's a coarse grinding. I remember as a child my grandmother in the village ground grain into flour on stone millstones. Most often bread was baked from rye flour, this bread was called "black sour bread".

Today flour is refined. The process of refining flour is the removal of so-called "ballast substances" from cereals, which are, in fact, the most useful constituents of the grain. To begin with, a grain germ, the biologically active part of the plant, is removed from the whole grain. Then the bran is removed - the flower shell, which has always been the main source of fiber in human nutrition, as well as containing B vitamins and minerals. In our time, when the land is depleted, we must fight for every milligram of nutrients, and man removes almost all nutrients from the grain! Refined flour is poor, I call such food “empty food”, from which our body is of no use.

  1. Bleaching flour

White flour has always been valued for its beauty and whiteness. This is the finest grind, which is obtained by sifting flour through the finest sieve, so that snow-white flour was obtained. Our ancestors could have allowed such flour to be used very rarely for special dishes and occasions.

Nowadays, the flour of the highest grades really has a white color, but its yield is 10 kg per one ton of grain. It is obvious that it is not profitable to use it in mass baking, and since the buyer likes white bread, the flour is artificially bleached. It is treated with chlorine, chlorine dioxide and potassium bromate.

4, Yeast

Simple peasant bread was baked with homemade sourdough, each family had its own original recipes. Sourdough is a batter fermented with fruits, hops, milk and other methods. It was these ferments that enriched the body with vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and saturated it with oxygen.

Modern bread in the store is baked with thermophilic yeast. You can watch a documentary about this yeast on YouTube. This yeast is a relatively new product; German biologists were engaged in its creation during the Second World War. Bread was tested on such yeast in concentration camps. The side effects of such bread were not immediately discovered, only now scientists began to sound the alarm, after so many years! Thermophilic yeast became popular all over the world, industrial bread gained momentum, which was important after the war, when there was not enough food. For the production of yeast, 36 types of the main and 20 types are used auxiliary raw materials, the vast majority of which cannot be called food. Yeast is saturated with heavy metals (copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, etc.) and other chemical elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc.)

You can write about the dangers of yeast for a very long time, in short you need to know that thermophilic yeast used in baking bread, in brewing and producing alcohol, is very stable and does not break down either under the influence of high temperatures or during the digestion of a human gastrointestinal tract product. Yeast cells produce toxic substances, which, due to their small size and molecular weight, spread throughout the body, poisoning and killing it.

Yeast fungi exist in nature and enter our body in small quantities from the air, from various products, with such a small amount our body copes well. However, there are 120 million yeast cells in one cubic centimeter of mature thermophilic yeast dough! This army of enemies, getting into our intestines, multiplies extremely quickly, yeast fungi disrupt the intestinal microflora, which contributes to putrefactive processes and interferes with normal digestion. Beneficial bacteria are replaced by yeast and harmful (putrefactive) bacteria, resulting in a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Any fungi (including yeast) are capable of producing, in the course of their vital activity, in addition to other toxic substances, also antibiotics. Thus, we create an ideal acidic atmosphere for all kinds of harmful processes, including the reproduction of parasites. Remember, there is no healthy microflora - no immunity, no health!

  1. New Wheat Genetic Engineering

The dramatic increase in the world's population demanded more food, more bread. To speed up and high yields, mutant dwarf wheat varieties were created in the 60s of the last century, which led to catastrophic consequences in the form of an epidemic of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Today it is already difficult to find those old grains that our ancestors ate! For over thirty years we have known that wheat raises blood glucose levels more than sugar, but for some reason we continue to think that this is not possible. However, it is a fact that few foods cause such an increase in blood sugar levels as wheat. The increase in glucose and insulin levels in turn provokes acne, baldness and the formation of end products of increased glycosylation - substances that accelerate the aging process. Eliminating wheat from the diet is an excellent prevention against rheumatoid arthritis, bowel cancer, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, stroke and cataracts.

The new wheat hybrids contain 95% of the proteins of the two parent varieties, but the remaining 5% of the proteins are unique and cannot be found in the parent crops! These 5% proteins are new to us, what to expect from them, we can only guess so far. It is these 5% of the protein structure of cereals that cause a person's high dependence on modern wheat. Sugar and alcohol create a sense of wellness and are tempting to come back and repeat. But what about foods that contain gluten? The very idea that gluten can be fun and addictive seems strange and scary. We need to re-evaluate such foods and their place in our diet.

  1. Harm of gluten

Gluten means glue, it is gluten, a sticky protein found in most grains. Modern food production, including genetic engineering, has allowed us to grow grains with more gluten. Our ancestors ate grain that was half the amount of gluten!

To understand why gluten is harmful, you need to get acquainted with the structure of the intestines. Its inner walls are covered with villi, which help to digest food and absorb vitamins, minerals, trace elements. The stickiness of gluten interferes with the absorption of nutrients, the villi are smoothed out and poorly digested food turns into a pasty substance that irritates the lining of the small intestine. As a result, you get abdominal pain, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, pallor, fatigue, migraines, irritability, and other symptoms. In addition, the increased content of sulfur-containing amino acids in wheat provokes the production of sulfuric acid, which causes the leaching of useful minerals from the bone tissue.

Many believe that only those with celiac disease should worry about this topic. But there is already research on brain damage related to gluten. David Perlmutter, MD, a practicing neurologist, wrote the book "Food and the Brain", which explains the theory and his personal experience of treating patients with a gluten-free diet. He argues that gluten sensitivity, with or without celiac disease, increases the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are major factors in the development of neurodegenerative conditions. Destructive immunological
