Preparing an electrolyte drink

Pineapple: anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant. Rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, it is a real elixir of youth, restores skin elasticity and prevents sagging breasts.
Cucumber: a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, replenishes water deficiencies, relieves heartburn, and removes toxins. The water in cucumber flushes all waste from your body. And with regular use, cucumber can even dissolve kidney stones.
Avocados: A nutritious, dense, and healthy source of fiber and healthy fats. reduce the level of bad cholesterol; The fetus regulates and normalizes metabolic processes, promotes easy absorption of vitamins and unsaturated acids, maintains optimal glucose levels, and is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Peppermint: helps the digestion process and relieves inflammation. Spinach: Nutritious, high in niacin and zinc

How to make an electrolyte drink
2 cups coconut water
1 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 large cucumber, peeled
1 small avocado
1/2 cup fresh mint
1/2 cup spinach
Juice of 3 small limes
Place all ingredients in a blender and whisk until smooth. Pour into a glass.
