What plants are dangerous to health and energy at home

Home is a place where a comfortable atmosphere should reign, so many people take a responsible approach to the choice of furniture and interior items. But this is not enough to fill the space with special favorable energy. Esotericists advise to acquire amulet plants.

About which plants can be kept in the house, and which cannot be kept in this article.

Plants that cleanse space of negative energy
Such plants include:

  1. Anthurium - cleans the air in the room and destroys streptococcal microorganisms.

  2. Begonia - helps to improve mood and relieve stress. It is enough to put a flower on the windowsill, that harmony has always reigned in the house.

  3. Geranium - protects from evil people and bad thoughts. This plant is able to create a special biofield in which it is pleasant to be all around. Suitable for living room installation.

  4. Dieffenbachia - has medicinal properties, destroys staphylococcal infection.

  5. Laurel noble, cherry laurel - actively fight against Escherichia coli.

  6. Opuntia - relieves envy and scares off ill-wishers. Opuntia loves fresh air, so it is advisable to ventilate the plant more often outside.

  7. Fern - is an ionizer plant that heals the air.

  8. Pelargonium - reduces the number of harmful microbial cells in the air.

  9. Tetrastigma - fills the house with positive energy, gives household members strength and confidence, setting them up for success in all new business.

  10. Tradescantia - also creates a favorable atmosphere in the house, you should definitely purchase this plant if disagreements often arise between homeowners.

  11. Cyclamen is a plant that absorbs all negative energy. If you feel that a lot of problems have accumulated, then it's time to get a cyclamen.

  12. Chlorophytum - has air-cleaning properties, absorbs phenol and formaldehyde released from furniture, destroys microbes.

A wide window sill is an excellent place to arrange flowers. Curly flowers can be placed on shelves or hung in wall-mounted pots. Large plants can be placed on the floor.
What plants should not be kept at home
Some plants cannot be kept at home, because their juice contains toxic substances, when released into the air, a person develops various health problems. You need to be especially careful when choosing flowers if there are small children and animals in the house. Plants of the following families are not suitable for home:

  1. Euphorbiacetes - have a poisonous juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause allergies or burns (croton).

  2. Solanaceae - have poisonous fruits that cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting (nightshade).

  3. Aroids - characterized by the presence of toxic juice that causes digestive disorders (monstera, spathiphyllum, adenium, philodendron, evergreen ivy).

  4. Kutrovye - potentially dangerous for the human body, any work with such plants must be carried out using gloves (dieffenbachia, oleander).

You should be more careful with colors such as:

lilies (emit carbon dioxide at night and disturb sleep);
orchids (excite the nervous system);
ficuses (can provoke allergies);
tyberoses (can negatively affect the cardiovascular system).
Do not keep diseased plants or artificial flowers in your home. Also try to maintain a balance - choose equal amounts of female (yin) and male (yang) plants. The female plants include the violet, the fat woman, the cyclamen and others, the male plants - citrus, dracaena, bamboo and others. For a welcoming atmosphere in your home, opt for plants with round leaves.
