Not the salvation of one's soul, but the fulfillment of the Will of the Father is the meaning of human life.

“Become the daughters and sons of your Father! Do His Will! ”- Jesus told people.

All the Knowledge a person needs is within. No books needed.

The only important condition under which this Knowledge can manifest itself is a state of complete internal balance, mental balance, when there is no rush, fuss, noise, concern, emotions, thoughts and other destructive things that block our path to Knowledge.

It will certainly manifest itself if a person who is looking for an answer to a question of interest, constantly asks it to himself, but at the same time works calmly, with a mantra.

Turning to your Guru at this moment is very important.

Help will definitely come - no matter how. But the conditions remain the same - silence, calmness, balance.

The Guru attunes the disciple's consciousness to his own consciousness and there is a direct Transfer of Knowledge.

Such is the Grace of the Master

Bhole Baba
