To everyone who is afraid to give birth

I congratulate you: you will become a mother! How great it is ... Great work awaits you, but this is the most rewarding work in the world. Now remember the following. For everything to go well, you need to prepare for childbirth. The worst thing you can do right now is read horror stories about childbirth. You better read the happy reviews, their sea! Calm down and go to childbirth preparation courses, buy books, start doing exercises, connect your husband. And forbid everyone to tell you bad things! Tune in exclusively to the positive. After all, a wonderful miracle awaits you!
Understand: childbirth is not hard labor, this is the path of your beloved baby to you. Respect this difficult path, pity it, not yourself. For a child, childbirth is a difficult test. When passing through the birth canal, the load on its spine is 120 kg per 1 square centimeter (across the vertebra)! He is even more painful and scary than you. That is why it is so important that the mother supports her baby with the correct behavior during childbirth, does not cry, does not fight in hysterics, but breathes correctly.
Each fight must be greeted as a blessing - here it is, finally. The long-awaited baby began his difficult journey to you, to his mother. Calm him down, stroke him, say sweet words, cheer him up. After all, you are an adult, and you understand what is happening, and in any case, you will receive some kind of help. And he? He suddenly felt bad, he was pressed from all sides, his heart was beating wildly during the fight - and he did not understand what was happening, what had happened. Are the contractions getting worse, more frequent, more difficult to tolerate? Thank God! This means that your labor is going well and everything is going right! Try to relieve yourself of the condition. Walk around, squat, sway, resting your hands on the table; rock back and forth on all fours.

Choose a pose that is easier for you. Pat your stomach (gently), rub your lower back. Maintain even breathing. Imagine that you are now where you feel good, for example, on the sea, on the warm sand. The sea is rustling, and each wave is a new battle. She is warm, she carries you to the cherished goal (every woman can come up with her own story).

Get distracted at least somehow: look out the window, examine the drawing on the linen, count the number of tiles on the wall, or speculate which lamp burns brighter. Anything will do.

The general rule is not to wait for the fight! Try to rest between contractions, relax, not think that it will start again now! Save your strength, otherwise they will not be enough for attempts. And one more rule - perhaps the most important: no tears, heartbreaking screams and hysterics. (You need to shout only in those cases when no one comes to you, and you feel that it is time. And still, breathe evenly.) Maintain your sobriety and control over the situation, because if not you, then who? Who will give birth for you?
A good technique is to smile as you try.

There is no need to be afraid of pain. You need to understand it, get along with it, succumb to it. No need to mentally fight with her as with the enemy! After all, this pain is a good sign. She is not your enemy, but your friend. (By the way, when the baby comes out, you will not feel pain, you will not even feel friction or tearing. Nature has taken care of this.)

It is best to take preparation for childbirth in special courses. Better yet, prepare for them with your husband, memorize pain relief techniques, and take your husband with you. He will be of invaluable help to you. First of all, it will help relieve pain. It will also help in basic things - to sit down, get up, give a diaper, give a drink, will be there all the time. In addition, he can defend your interests in disputes with doctors.

I would like to say one more thing. No method of drug pain relief can be called completely safe. Of course, there are situations when a woman has no choice. But if you have a choice, isn't it better to give birth naturally? After all, childbirth is a natural event in a woman's life, it is a mechanism perfected by nature for thousands of years. There is no pain that cannot be tolerated. Be smart in childbirth - and then you will want to give birth again. and the smile of your healthy little one will be the best gratitude for you.
