How to use strawberry and strawberry leaves for healing

The leaves and roots of strawberries and strawberries have no less powerful healing properties than berries, and in certain cases their effect is much more effective. Traditional healers knew how to use strawberry and wild strawberry leaves even in ancient times.

Strawberry leaves are used in folk medicine for making tea, for this purpose it is better to pick them in August - September. Before drying the leaves, they need to be dried for 3-5 hours so that they become soft, then knead and fold in a cardboard box, where they leave for 7-9 hours. After that, the leaves must be dried in air or in an oven.

For brewing, take 3 g of leaves for 0.5 liters of boiling water. This tea contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C. This excellent folk remedy is used for colds, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases.

Strawberry leaves contain phytoncides - herbal antibiotics. These substances are able to cope with any inflammation, therefore, an infusion of strawberry and strawberry leaves is often used to gargle with sore throat and laryngitis.

Decoction, infusion and tea with strawberry leaves reduce blood pressure, slow down the rhythm and increase the amplitude of heart contractions. Such a drink in folk medicine is used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, with bronchial asthma. Strawberry tea is recommended for removing sand from the kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder.

Fresh strawberry leaves are applied to purulent non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Wild strawberry leaves have the same qualities. They are harvested together with the petioles just before the flowering of strawberries, when they contain the maximum amount of useful and medicinal substances. Then the leaves are dried in the shade, as under the influence of the sun, many nutrients are destroyed.

From dry leaves and fruits of strawberries or wild strawberries, infusions are prepared, which are especially useful for high blood pressure.

Infusion of strawberry leaves dilates blood vessels well and reduces pressure, and is also used
- for a cold, gargle;
- for the prevention of the formation and treatment of stones in the liver and kidneys;
- with anemia and loss of strength.
(Material provided by the group Garden, vegetable garden:

How to prepare an infusion of strawberry leaves:

2 tablespoons chopped fresh leaves or berries
or 1 tablespoon of dry leaves or berries pour
0.5l boiling water,
insist 2-3 hours
Take half a glass 2 times a day.

In the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, hemorrhoids, a decoction made from the leaves and roots of strawberries or strawberries, made according to the recipes of traditional medicine, is used and helps well

Pour 1 tablespoon of leaves and roots
2 cups boiling water
Boil for 10 minutes,
Take half a glass 2 times a day.

Strawberries and strawberries are medicinal plants, all parts of which are medicinal. Therefore, it is important to know not only about the benefits of berries, but also about how to use strawberry and strawberry leaves to prepare drinks that are beneficial to our health.

The article is of a recommendatory nature. Consider the characteristics of each organism. Consult your doctor.
