Риши Джамадагни

Rishi Jamadagni

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Rishi Jamadagni was the husband of Renuka and the father of Parasurama, his story is told in the Mahabharata. One day Renuka went to fetch some water for the puja.

Rishi Jamadagni was the husband of Renuka and the father of Parasurama, his story is told in the Mahabharata. One day Renuka went to fetch some water for the puja. It took a long time, and she still did not return. After a while she came and Jamadagni asked her why she was so late. Renuka saw, near the reservoir, the spectacle of the conjugal caresses of King Chitraratha and his wife.

Looking at them, she forgot that she had come for water, and she had impure thoughts. When Jamadagni noticed this, he ordered his sons to kill her. The three elders refused to do this and were cursed by their father, after which they turned into idiots. The fourth son, Parasurama, cut off her head, which aroused the mercy of Jamadagni. Then Parasurama asked his father to bring his mother back to life in her former purity and complete ignorance of what had happened to her, and also to return the mind to his brothers.

All this was done by Jamadagni. Once the king of Kartavirya, while hunting, visited the hut of Jamadagni, who generously treated the royal retinue with the help of his wish-fulfilling cow. The king asked the sage to give him a wonderful animal, but Jamadagni refused, for which he was killed. When Parasurama learned about what had happened, he became furious, chased after Kartavirya, overtook him and killed him in battle. After which he killed all the kshatriyas in the world, giving the supremacy in the world to the brahmanas, performed purification rituals and retired to the mountains.

Риши Джамадагни

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Риши Джамадагни был мужем Ренуки и отцом Парашурамы, его история рассказывается в «Махабхарате».

Риши Джамадагни был мужем Ренуки и отцом Парашурамы, его история рассказывается в «Махабхарате».
Однажды царь Картавирья во время охоты посетил хижину Джамадагни, который щедро угостил царскую свиту с помощью своей коровы, исполняющей желания. Царь попросил мудреца отдать ему чудесное животное, но Джамадагни ответил отказом, за что был убит. Когда Парашурама узнал о случившемся, он пришел в ярость, погнался за Картавирьей, настиг его и убил в бою. После чего он убил всех кшатриев в мире, предоставив верховенство в мире брахманам, выполнил очистительные ритуалы и удалился в горы. https://yagizm.org/ru/node/791

