
Self-giving - sharanagati or atmanvedana.

One of the nine ways of bhahti. The will of a bhakta (devotee) becomes one with the Cosmic Will.

A devotee becomes one with the Absolute and enjoys all the divine powers (Aishwaryas).

One of the nine ways of bhahti. The will of a bhakta (devotee) becomes one with the Cosmic Will.

A devotee becomes one with the Absolute and enjoys all the divine powers (Aishwaryas).

Eight Siddhas and nine Riddhas will be at his feet. They stand with their hands clasped, ready to obediently obey the orders of the devotee. A devotee feels and sees the Absolute in every hair of his body, in every atom and molecule. This condition is unthinkable (achintya) and indescribable (anirdeshya).

The Absolute speaks and acts through the various organs of His bhakta, because his egoism is completely destroyed. Obstacles that stand in the way of self-giving are desires and selfishness. Self-giving must be complete, without a trace, generous and unconditional. Sometimes a devotee has certain desires for his own pleasure. Therefore, he is not able to realize perfect self-giving and receive the darshan of his Ishta-devata. Selfishness is very inflexible and stubborn. It is like solid granite.

It should be chopped into pieces by constant blows of a bhakta hammer over a chisel. Even a very hard diamond will crack with another harder material. So, even the heart must be pierced by surrender, and the thin thread of bhakti must go through the heart. Only then will the Absolute take Its place in the heart of His devotee.
Even implying God, sometimes a devotee gives himself up for himself. This is just stupid. He must realize the self-giving.
