Eleventh House of Horoscope

This is the house of acquisitions (labha bhava). It denotes income and profits, all that we own in sufficient quantities and that provides us with augmentation of wealth.
The symbol of the eleventh house in jyotish is a vessel that stores everything that has been achieved. What is stored in the vessel of Aquarius is poured out in a free flow. Hence, if the eleventh house is strong - one of the Kama houses - this means satisfying a variety of desires, including those related to the acquisition of beautiful things and luxury goods. Since the 11th house is the 12th from the 12th house, it puts an end to expenses, thereby symbolizing profit (in money, energy - in everything). And, if the profit is large enough, the surplus received can be directed to entertainment and a pleasant pastime.
The eleventh house indicates goals and aspirations, desires and aspirations. On the one hand, this house determines the strength of our individualistic impulses, which can give rise to impulsiveness and selfishness. On the other hand, he symbolizes the embodiment of our ideals and the fulfillment of desires.
It is necessary to examine the eleventh house when it comes to recovering from an illness, especially a long one. This is so at once for several reasons: firstly, the 11th house is the sixth from the 6th, that is, the derivative of the disease from the house; secondly, he is the 12th from the 12th house, the house of hospitalization, and, therefore, indicates the end of the hospital stay; thirdly, the 11th house is a reflection of the 5th house, which, in turn, being the 12th house from the house of illness, reports that the disease is over.
In terms of family relationships, he represents the older brothers and sisters, their fate and character; your uncle from your father’s side (like the third house from the 9th); your son’s wife (seventh from the 5th); the longevity of your mother (eighth house from the 4th); wealth of your employer (second house from the 10th); the enemy of your enemy (the sixth house is from the 6th; it is understood that the enemy of your enemy is your friend); and occupying a high public office (as a house of reflection of the 5th house).
The eleventh house is a house of plenty. As a rule, all the planets here - malevolent and beneficial in nature - are strong and favorable. Any planet in the eleventh house is prone to maximize its potential. Venus here may indicate that the owner of the horoscope will have several marriages. Mercury gives a person good mental abilities and ensures success in all matters related to communication. The sun promises the fulfillment of the main goals that we set for ourselves in life.
The eleventh house gives material gain, but under its influence a person can become overly self-confident and overestimate his strength. This part of the horoscope is responsible not only for abundance, but also for excesses. At a high level, the eleventh house is associated with spiritual growth, as well as with breadth and clarity of mind. In this respect, he looks like the fifth house, which is opposed to him in the horoscope drawing. However, the fifth house symbolizes the mind itself, and the eleventh house is the ability to embody ideas in material form. And if the fifth house is associated with the creation of literary works, then the eleventh - with their publication.

So, the main values ​​of the eleventh house include: the middle part of the legs (lower leg and ankle), older brother or sister; desires and aspirations; easy to get or “crazy” money; profits and earnings, income from professional activities, wealth; gifts received (gifts).

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