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Different types of tissue have different energetic effects on human life and health.

The most widespread natural fabric today. Cotton has now learned to process in such a way that the softest fabrics are obtained, which are excellent for tactile perception for absolutely everyone. But cotton has the ability to accumulate any energy. Both good and bad.
Therefore, if you had a difficult day, you talked with people from whom you were very tired or received a portion of negative emotions - take off your cotton clothes immediately after you come home - and to the wash! Cold water washes everything off cotton clothes.
Cotton has the energy of calmness, gives a person softness, and sometimes softness, if you wear only cotton every day. If you do not want those around you to twist the ropes, add clothes from other materials to your wardrobe.

Linen. Now more and more fabrics and clothing are emerging from this wonderful plant.
Flax endows its owner with strength and tranquility. Psychotherapists are convinced that flax fibers protect a person from depression, neurosis and mental disorders, which is more relevant than ever in our stressful time. It is very difficult to influence a person in linen clothes, since linen is an insulating material when it comes to human interaction.
On the one hand, this is good, since they will not be able to put pressure on you, any negative energy and destructive information slips off flax without clinging, therefore it is good to be in a crowd in linen clothes. On the other hand, flax really isolates you psychologically, it will be very difficult to find a common language with people, it is difficult to come to an agreement, find a compromise. Flax also creates problems with concentration, so when communicating with clients, at work, in controversial situations where it is important to interact with each other, flax will put energy barriers.

Clothes made of natural silk have a very beneficial effect on the nervous system and human performance. Increases concentration, sharpens vision and memory.
In addition, silk enlightens the mind, expels worries from the heart, and has a wonderful effect on a person's creative abilities. It is recommended to wear silk clothes for those who often suffer from sore throat, as well as for those who suffer from arthritis, dermatitis and allergies. It strengthens the body. In China, the homeland of silk, various symbols of amulets are woven into its texture, and it is from this fabric that not only underwear is made, but also upper, especially for those who work with people.

It is good in the cold season as it has powerful warming properties. Helps with fatigue, is good for the liver and kidneys. The energy of the wool has a calming effect. Underweight babies gain weight well when they sleep in a natural wool bed.
Wool gives more energy, strengthens, and is suitable for sick and weakened people. In case of illness, it is advisable to wear woolen things during the day (for example, socks), and cover with a woolen blanket at night so that the effect of the energy of wool is continuous. Very good results are obtained by using it for pneumonia. On the naked body, a "soul warmer" made of sheepskin is put on, which is worn both day and night. Such a "soul warmer" is much more effective than mustard plasters, cans or rubbing.

Nettle clothing harmonizes. The person stops fussing, gets the opportunity to concentrate on the main thing.
In addition, nettle fabrics and clothing made from them are the strongest amulet that helps a person resist evil spells. She protects from danger and "programs" the victory of the one who constantly wears nettle clothes. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant, does not like cowards and aggressors.
It enhances in a person such traits as courage, courage, honesty, courage, initiative. This property of nettle is used when a person needs to change something in himself. The ancient Normans knitted combat shirts for warriors from nettle fibers. The protective strength of these shirts, which were worn under chain mail, added determination and luck in battle, and in case of injury, stopped the blood.

Hemp. Hemp fiber fabrics have the strongest energy. With high physical exertion, the body receives additional support during the recovery period, quickly replenishing energy costs. Hemp fabric has an analgesic and soothing effect. Moreover, it is interesting that the longer you wear hemp clothes, the stronger its positive energy is manifested.

All the medicinal properties of this plant are transmitted through the tissue. Hemp tissue has a healing effect on the cardiovascular system, since it does not accumulate static electricity and blocks electromagnetic waves, preventing them from having a destructive effect on a person. Hemp clothing harmonizes, brings happy events to life.

Hemp is the sunniest plant, its fibers better than all other natural fibers interact at the psychophysical level with the receptors of human skin, transferring a specific person exactly the information that he needs in a given period of life. It is truly the wisest plant on Earth.

Wear clothes made from natural materials and be healthy!

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