Symbols of Shiva

Shiva's body is naked and covered with ashes — it is a symbol of the source of the universe, he goes beyond his earthly life, his physical condition, without suffering.
Shiva's tangled hair is a union of spiritual, physical and mental energy.
The ganga living in his hair is a woman—wife, a stream of water flows out of her mouth, which falls to the ground. It is a symbol of the fact that with its help Shiva eliminates ignorance, sins and gives peace, purity and knowledge.
The moon in Shiva's hair is a symbol of mind control.
Shiva is depicted as three—eyed: one eye is the sun, the second eye is the moon, and the third is a symbol of fire.
Shiva's eyes are half—open — a symbol of the endless flow of life, which has no beginning, no end - it is a cyclical process, and it is eternal. When he opens his eyes, a new round of earthly life will begin, when he closes them completely – the world is destroyed in order to be born again.
Snakes wrapped around Shiva's neck symbolize time — it is the past, present and future.
Beads made of rudraksha (dried fruits of an evergreen tree) are a symbol of Shiva's inflexibility in fulfilling the law and order of the universe.
The right hand of God, which gives blessing and wisdom, it also destroys evil and ignorance.
Trishula (trident) Shiva is his energy (shakhti): knowledge (jnana), action (kriya) and desire (iccha).
The drum (damaru) is a symbol of the form of existence — physical and spiritual.
The Nandi bull accompanying Shiva is his invariable means of transportation.
Tiger skin is a symbol of hidden energy and victory over lust.
Shiva sitting on the scorched earth is a symbol of his control over physical death.

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