Лана Душина
01 जून 2023 - 10:38How do I find out what you have a talent for?
"Do I have a talent?", "What if I'm doing the wrong thing?", "Suddenly I have a completely different purpose?" — these questions torment many people regardless of age.
"Do I have a talent?", "What if I'm doing the wrong thing?", "Suddenly I have a completely different purpose?" — these questions torment many people regardless of age. Take a little time to sort yourself out. The more you postpone this procedure, the longer you continue to remain in ignorance and doubt about your life path.
We invite you to get acquainted with the effective technique of psychologist Ivan Pirogov called "Analysis of human destiny". We take a pen and a piece of paper!
Step #1. Name your dream
The first thing to do is to remember all your dreams: what you dreamed of as a child, as a teenager, at school, at college, in adulthood. Up to the present moment.
Write them down.
Step #2. Separating "have" and "be"
So, the dreams are listed. It's time to divide them into categories of "have" and "be".
Dreams from the category "to have" are dreams of owning something.
Dreams from the category "to be" — dreams in which you saw yourself in any role.
Now write out the category "to be" in a separate column, then the work will go only with him.
Step #3. What caused you an internal response?
Do you remember if you felt a special thrill when observing people of a certain profession? Would you like to be in their place? Write it down.
Step #4. What did you like to do?
In the list obtained in the previous steps, add all the activities that brought you pleasure. What did you enjoy doing as a child? In his youth? At an older age? What processes and actions bring you joy now?
Step #5. Discarding all unnecessary
Now check all recorded dreams for an "emotional response". To do this, consistently visualize each item from the "to be" list and listen to the feelings and emotions that arise. You need to visualize from the first person. Enter the desired role that you dreamed of. Imagine that this role is already your reality. What are you doing at this moment? What do you do? What do you see and hear? And finally, how do you feel about it?
As soon as you get into the role, pay attention to the emotions and feelings. Then evaluate the strength of emotions from 0 to 10.
Step # 6. Mercilessly strike out
Now cross out the dreams that received the lowest ratings in the previous step. These are dreams that you can give up right now once and for all. They are no longer relevant to you at the moment.
Step #7. Grouping qualities
So, here is a real list of your innate inclinations, formulated in the form of dreams. At this stage, they are randomly piled into one pile. Take a close look at the list and answer the questions: which items of this list can be grouped? What items can be closely related to each other?
For example, in your list there are items: "I want to travel to countries", "I want to become a writer" and "I want to learn foreign languages". It is clear that the desire to travel to countries is very well combined with the desire to learn languages. And the desire to write books can be closely related to travel. As a result, all three points complement each other beautifully.
Step #8. We give names to groups
Look at the grouped items and give names to each group. The name should speak about your innate talent, which gave rise to a whole chain of interconnected dreams. For example: "The ability to search for information, find answers and solve mysteries", "The ability to help people" and so on.
Step #9. Looking for connections between groups
We're almost done! It remains to understand how the groups are related to each other. To do this, write down the received groups in a separate list.
Look at the list and think, how does the existence of one group support the existence of another? Practice shows that groups always have mutually supportive relationships.
Step #10. We are looking for the use of our talents
Think about it and write down all possible options for realizing your talents in real life. What kind of profession or activity is this? Maybe your talents are suitable for different professions at the same time? The more options, the better.
Step #11. We are finally deciding on our favorite life's work!
Have you written down a list of possible uses for your talents? Great, now evaluate each item of the received list on a ten-point scale. 10 is a very desirable option. 0 is the least acceptable option.
After that, you will finally clarify the specific direction that is really worth your attention. This direction will bring you success, joy in life and, of course, a good income. After all, when you know that you definitely have a talent for this, things go with confidence and enthusiasm.