Wormwood treatment kills the entire pyogenic simple infection in the body, cures insomnia, nervous diseases and restores metabolism, as a result of which obesity and excess weight disappear.
This is a powerful tool given to quickly put patients in order.
Wormwood therapy removes almost all inflammatory processes, especially with damage to the digestive tract and genital tract.
Wormwood is taken for gynecological diseases, prostatitis, urethritis, diseases of the skin, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc.
Useful for people with cats and dogs.
100 g of dry wormwood is enough for the course. Wipe the prepared dry wormwood with your hands and sift through a colander.
Swallow the sifted in dry form, and not sifted will go to the preparation of infusion for enema, douching, instillation in the eyes, ears or mouth rinses. Why is dry wormwood recommended? In order for it to pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract and treat all areas.
Wormwood decoctions do not reach the intestines. Myomas can resolve after one month of treatment with wormwood.
Wormwood is bitter and poisonous.
Cleanses the body of all harmful organisms that are in it (these are all sorts of protozoa - trichomonads, chlamydia, herpes, candida, lamblia, echinococcal infection).
The course of treatment with wormwood - 7 days. The first 3 days every 2 to 2.5 hours take a pinch of dry wormwood, regardless of the time of meal. A pinch (not the smallest) is put in the mouth, moistened with saliva and swallowed with water. The next 4 days, 5-6 times a day. The whole body is immediately involved in the cleansing, and it is important that the breaks between receptions of wormwood do not exceed 2.5 hours. These 3 days of wormwood are taken 5-6 times a day. A break is made at night.
All 7 days of polynotherapy follow a strict diet. Absolutely excluded all animal and fish food. All dairy products, eggs. Confectionery. It is highly recommended that you do not drink alcohol or smoke.
When smoking, up to 1/3 of the effect is lost.
These days you can eat: vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, vegetable oil, potatoes. Bread is limited to 2-3 small slices per serving. And not fresh, but dried. During therapy, severe weakness and alternate exacerbation of all existing and hidden ailments are possible. It may hurt the joint for some time or stab it in the side. This speaks of deep cleansing.
If large stones go, there will be cutting pains - drink a vasodilator (2 tablets of no-shpa or 1 tablet of papaverine).
You can douche 2 times a day - morning and evening. Douche until all signs of infection of the genitourinary tract stop.
Then prophylactically conduct polynotherapy 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.
Wormwood therapy is contraindicated in pregnant women! And people with anemia.
Before starting treatment, consult your doctor!
Cleaning with wormwood.
Regular cleaning of the body with a decoction of wormwood, douching with it (1 teaspoon at the boiling water, insist 10 minutes - morning and evening) is a very necessary and effective procedure that women need to do periodically.
Wormwood is also very appreciated when cleaning the body of various types of worms (parasites), both by itself and in combination (assembled) with other herbs. Parasites not only consume all the most valuable and useful from what we eat, but also spoil our body, poisoning it with their vital products.
They are dangerous because they can quietly and imperceptibly kill a person, gradually taking away his strength, and when he weakens, they multiply with even greater intensity.
There were cases when people infected with worms were diagnosed with cancer patients, because they were stunted in their eyes, and, of course, they were treated by irradiating the grass with chemistry, and when they died, after opening it became clear that all this was due to the large number of worms.
Here are some effective folk recipes using wormwood, how to get rid of worms (parasites):
Wormwood and cloves (powder): grind wormwood, cloves and flax seeds into powder, take everything evenly half a teaspoon and mix. Put the dry mixture in your mouth and drink it with a glass of carrot juice. This recipe helps to get rid of worms and some other parasites. Wormwood affects the intermediate and mature stages of more than 100 parasites, and cloves affect their larvae and eggs. These components should always be used together.
Tincture of wormwood and pumpkin seeds (recipe from Vanga): mix equal wormwood leaves and crushed pumpkin seeds taken in equal amounts, pour this mixture with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3. Insist a week in warmth or in the sun. Drink tincture twice a day, one glass on an empty stomach, it is best half an hour before lunch and before dinner. The course of treatment is several weeks until the stomach is completely cleansed of worms. Apply as a general anthelmintic.
Cleaning (cleansing) with dry wormwood from parasites. Take the harvested dry wormwood and grind it into powder, it will take about 100 g. Why dry? The decoction, as practice has shown, does not reach remote areas of the intestine (large intestine), it is absorbed along the way and remains in a non-destructive concentration for worms. It is important that wormwood passes through the entire digestive tract and treats (cleanses) all areas. First, in the first 3 days and every 2-2.5 hours we take 1 incomplete teaspoon. dry wormwood: put a serving in your mouth and wash it down with water. It turns out 5-6 times a day, then we reduce the number of receptions per day to 3-4 times and so we are treated for another 4 days! We are not attached to the time of eating. In general, the course of treatment for this recipe is 1 week!
The whole body is immediately involved in cleansing, it is recommended to conduct it 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, and also during the cleaning it is necessary to adhere to a vegetarian diet and it is advisable to make wormwood enemas (1 time per day) and douching for women (morning and evening).
As a solution for enemas and douching, use wormwood infusion according to this recipe: 1-2 teaspoon. tablespoons of dry and chopped wormwood herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave to cool (approximately to body temperature), then strain. During cleaning with dry wormwood, weakness, aggravation of old diseases for some time (pain in the side, joints, when moving stones, cutting pains, etc.) can occur. T
The triad (three components) also gives a good effect when cleansing the body of various parasites, this is a mixture of walnut peel infusion, dry wormwood and clove seeds. Or the Russian triad V.A. Ivanchenko: which includes tansy (casserole baskets), wormwood (leaves and young shoots) and cloves powdered (seeds that are used in cooking). Wormwood and tansy act on round and ribbon worms, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses of many species, and clove destroys larvae and eggs. The recipe for the preparation of Russian triad, how to take it - see this page. And here I’ll just add that it can not be taken by pregnant women, with gastric ulcer and erosive gastritis.
Wormwood infusion (recipe): take 1-2 teaspoons of chopped wormwood herb, pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 20 minutes, then strain. Drink the infusion during the day in 3 divided doses, one and a half hours before meals.
Wormwood infusion destroys pyogenic microorganisms, helps with insufficient secretion of bile, lethargy of digestion, feeling of fullness of the stomach, bloating and gas, gallstone disease, with jaundice, sand and kidney stones, activates blood circulation and improves metabolism.
Wormwood also helps with carriages, with anemia, insomnia, relieves pain (with inflammation of the cecum), relieves heartburn, and eliminates bad breath. Wormwood to improve appetite (excitement): mix 8 parts of wormwood and 2 parts of yarrow, then take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and brew 2 cups of boiling water, having insisted, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
There is another way to use wormwood: roll several wormwood flowers in bread balls and swallow them. Wormwood root (decoction): take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed wormwood root (dry), pour 1 cup boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
To prevent volatile oils, cover the dishes with a lid. After cooling - strain, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, i.e. in fact, we drink all the cooked broth in a day. Take a decoction of wormwood root for oncological tumors and cancer of the stomach, cancer of the rectum, cancer of the uterus. For cancer of the uterus, external procedures (daily douching) are additionally made with the same broth, after diluting 1 cup of the broth to 1 liter with boiled water. Also, wormwood root is used for medicinal baths for gout and neurosis. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Wormwood oil.
We take fresh wormwood, put it in a jar (from under mayonnaise) to the top, without tamping, fill it with olive oil (can be corn or linseed) and tightly cover so that air does not get inside and we insist 10 days. The oil will turn dark green or pearlescent. Then strain it and store in the refrigerator or in another cool place. Wormwood oil is now produced by industry.
In Ukraine, it is made from wormwood Tauride (Crimean). Used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, flu, cough, bronchitis. Beauticians recommend wormwood oil for oily, unclean skin, and are also used in aromatherapy.
For liver diseases, it is advised to take powder from bitter wormwood and sage, in a ratio of components of 1: 5. Take it 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day. Also, in addition to the diseases listed above, wormwood and treat scrofula and tuberculosis, hemorrhoids and articular rheumatism, epilepsy; take with whites, insufficient and irregular menstruation. Wormwood infusion activates blood circulation and improves metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended for obesity and other metabolic disorders.
Wormwood for weight loss.
We take the above written recipe (wormwood infusion), only it should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. A mixture of herbs is also effective for weight loss: buckthorn, wormwood, tansy. With fever and malaria, take inside an infusion or decoction of wormwood.
For the expulsion of worms, a decoction with the addition of garlic is used in the form of enemas (2 cups of a decoction of wormwood and 1 cup of decoction from one head of garlic). The presence of azulene in the composition of bitter wormwood justifies its appointment inside with allergic skin diseases.
Outwardly, wormwood juice is recommended for calluses (make a bandage), injuries. Juice helps stop bleeding during injuries, it acts as a disinfectant and helps to heal wounds. Fresh mashed wormwood grass soothes pain with severe bruises and dislocations, it also works with sprains. Wormwood infusion is externally used in the treatment of scabies, corns. Kamazulen isolated from wormwood has anti-inflammatory and spasmodic effects and is used for X-ray burns, eczema, rheumatism and bronchial asthma. Wormwood tincture diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 is used for lotions for inflammation of the eyes, as well as for compresses for inflammation of the periosteum, bruises, and joint rheumatism. Wormwood tincture in half with water is used to disinfect gums and the oral cavity. Wormwood, contraindications. Large doses of wormwood or its long-term use (several months) is unacceptable, since it can cause a disorder of the nervous system, intoxication of the body and, as a consequence, renal failure, which in some cases can end tragically. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks, a maximum of a month, provided that the state of health is normal. Then you need to take a break for at least two weeks, and preferably a month or more.
Bitter wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, enterocolitis, with bleeding, anemia. It is undesirable to use it for stomach ulcers and gastritis with low acidity - it will even lower. With caution, or under the supervision of a doctor, take wormwood to asthmatics. Do not use wormwood for people allergic to wormwood, individual intolerance.