
Virgo Zodiac Stones

The zodiac sign is valid from August 24 to September 23. It is ruled by Mercury. The natural element is the Earth. Wards intellectual Mercury as if born in order to learn.

The zodiac sign is valid from August 24 to September 23. It is ruled by Mercury. The natural element is the Earth. Wards intellectual Mercury as if born in order to learn. They are able to absorb an incredible amount of information, mentally process it and organize it. Science is the element of Dev. However, in any field of activity they strive for better results. Women of the sign possess attractive power. As a rule, they are gifted with beauty, have an even, calm character. The external coldness of the Virgin sometimes puzzles her partner. He may leave for a while, but most likely he will return again. After all, Virgo is an impeccable wife, mother and mistress. Often she becomes a leader in the family. Virgo men conquer their beloved not so much with a passionate onslaught as with tenderness and delicacy. They have a highly developed sense of duty to the household. The representative of the sign is a caring father, an accommodating husband. He is trying to provide for his family. But all this is subject to reciprocal attention. Treason or indifference radically change his character for the worse. When choosing amulets, talisman stones, Virgo needs to be guided not so much by the traditions of magic as by common sense and life realities.

Talisman Stones for Maidens
Natural minerals must match the situation, image and color of Virgo clothes. The brilliance of some gems and the dark colors of others are equally alien to the nature of the sign. Amulets should be distributed by season: light stones are suitable for summer; for winter, red and blue; for autumn and spring - orange, green. Astrologers recommend an extensive collection of amulets, consisting of one and a half to two dozen minerals.

Aggravates feelings. Gives cheerfulness, cheerful mood and clear thinking. Embodies the beauty of love.
Pearls (yellow, pink) Pacifies. Softens the stiffness and dryness of Virgo’s manners. Brings financial well-being. But pearls are useful only to strong personalities - it suppresses the weak.
Jade Indecisive Virgo will not harm healthy excitement. Tolika of recklessness, hidden in the magic of jade, contributes to business success. Along with this, the mineral has a variety of healing properties.
Onyx Replenishes the lack of vitality. Protects against stress and depression.
Tiger Eye Heals from causeless jealousy. Helps in everyday household chores. Brings happiness only to friendly, sincere people.
Chrysolite Relieves excessive categorization. Improves Virgo relationships with households and colleagues.
Jasper Virgo's successful career may be hindered by her amorphous nature. Jasper develops self-confidence and business acumen.

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