The doctrine of the vibration of sound - Shota vada

According to the Tantric teachings, the vhota stupa (the doctrine of vibration or sound), the whole Universe is nothing but the unfolding of various vibrations of different levels.

These include the subtlest vibrations associated with awareness, the vibrations of thinking, emotions related to subtle bioenergies, which are mainly engaged in shamans and psychics.

There are subtle vibrations associated with awareness, presence, bhava, which monks of contemplation and meditators are engaged in, these are the most subtle energies.

There are vibrations associated with physics, radio waves, with quantum physics or radiophysics - coarser, external material vibrations, electromagnetic radiation and so on.

Finally, vibrations associated with gross material objects, that is, with what we can touch, are well known. All these are different types of vibrations.

Depending on karma, living beings unite with their kindred vibrations, namely they are in that world that corresponds to the frequency of their vibrations. Such vibrations are referred to in the Tantric teachings of spotting.

Shota vada (Shota-vada) is knowledge, the teaching of vibration. For example, when we work, practicing with sankalpas, Divine Pride, we try to be specialists in a certain spectrum of frequencies, that is, tune in to a certain frequency of vibrations. When such a setting occurs, they say that a person has found bhava, has gained contemplation.

When we practice the doctrine of presence, Advaita’s view, we try to meditate on the highest vibrations that are superior to the vibrations of electromagnetic radiation, material objects, radiophysics, the vibrations that shamans, psychics are engaged in.

We are trying to tune in to absolute vibrations or to absolute frequency. We can say that these are vibrations of the absolute Void, the absolute Nothing, Which is at the same time absolute fullness.

This is the ultimate vibration, which has the greatest power, the creative force from which everything emanates.
In fact, to reveal the ultimate vibration and to achieve enlightenment is one and the same thing from the point of view of the teaching of spotting wada.

Gradually, as the practice progresses, the process of purification takes place: the low vibrations that are emitted by our body and the energies transmute, go to a higher frequency of vibrations. Our goal is to block low vibrations and then sublimate them and find the highest vibration frequency.

We can say that a sublime person, spiritually pure or holy, is affirmed on the highest vibrations.

A low person, vicious, unconscious, primitive, is at a low vibration frequency.

If you have experience of the subtle body or the sensation of pranas in the channels, for you this is a purely physiological question, you specifically feel it with your subtle body and consciousness. Therefore, contemplation can be explained from the point of view of the teaching of the spot of wada.

To contemplate is to always be exalted. And more specifically, it means the spirit to always stay at a high frequency of vibrations.

When a mantra is considered from the point of view of this teaching, the mantra is also a certain vibration. When you read mantras, you generate vibration. Vibration is the sound body of the mantra. Then the mantra has a vibrational effect on your energetic subtle body. Depending on the depth of reading the mantra and on how long you read it, these vibrations, eroding, gradually propagate through your subtle energy body, thus purifying it.

An example is given. If there is wine or any other string instrument, and in the presence of it there is another string instrument, if you start sorting through the strings, then the neighboring instrument will begin to vibrate and also make some sounds. This is an example of how a mantra works.

The initiation of the Bhajan Mandala is also an example of vibration, which, through contemplation, through integration with it, cleanses the subtle body.
