
Brahma mantra

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Touching the thumb with the index finger __________ Om saccidekam brahma namah

Touching the index finger __________ Om sachchidekam brahma matchmaker

Touching the thumb with the index finger __________ Om saccidekam brahma namah

Touching the index finger __________ Om sachchidekam brahma matchmaker

Touching the middle with the thumb _______________ Om saccidekam brahma vashat

Touching the ring with the thumb ___________ Om saccidekam brahma hum

Touching the little finger with the thumb _______________ Om saccidekam brahma vaushat

Touching the palm with the back of the hand __________ Om saccidekam brahma phat

Touching the right palm of the chest ___________________ Om saccidekam brahma namah

Touching the crown of the head with the right palm ________________ Om saccidekam brahma matchmaker

Touching the crest with the right palm _________________ Om sachchidekam brahma vashat

Palms touching shoulders

(right hand over left) _______________________ Om saccidekam brahma hum

Touching with the palms of the eyelids and between the eyebrows ________________ Om saccidekam brahma vaushat

Circling his right hand around his head in

clockwise, hit with the back of your hand

right hand on the left palm ______________________ Om saccidekam brahma phat

8: 32: 16 (Mantra OM or BRAHMA-Mantra)

Inhale through the right nostril - hold - exhale through the right nostril

Inhale through the left nostril - hold - exhale through the left nostril

Contemplating with concentration in the center of the chest, we say mentally:
In the lotus of my heart, I contemplate the Divine Mind,

Brahman for whom there is no difference.

He is known through Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

He is the One to whom yogis turn in contemplation,

He who destroys the fear of birth and death

Who is being, reason, the root of all three worlds.

Having pronounced, we contemplate the Infinite Reality in the center of the chest (1 - 2 min)
Having seen the Supreme Brahman, we make a mental sacrifice in order to unite with Him. As incense, we offer the Element of earth to the Supreme Soul, as flowers - ether, instead of the smoke of incense - the element of air, instead of fire - the light of the Universe, instead of food - the element of world water. Mentally uttering the great mantra (Brahma), we offer its fruit to the Supreme Brahman. Then, meditating with closed eyes about the eternal Brahman, we offer the Almighty everything that we have: incense, flowers, clothes, jewelry, food and drink, previously purifying them with the following prayer (mentally):

The offering vessel is Brahman, as are the ghee in the vessel.

Brahman is both the sacrificial fire and the one who performs the sacrifice.

He who concentrates his mind on Brahman by performing rituals leading to Brahman will attain Brahman.

Brahma mantra
Following this, the worshiper should open his eyes and, with full zeal repeating to himself the root mantra (mula-mantra), offer it (japa) to Brahman. (32 times)

Om saccidekam brahma
Ohm! I bow to You, Immortal Protector of all.

I bow to You, Pure Reason manifested in the Universe.

I bow down to You, one in essence, giving liberation.

I bow down to You, Great One, Omnipresent, Qualitative One.

You are the only refuge and the only object of worship.

The entire Universe is Your manifestation, You are its root cause.

You are the only Creator, Keeper and Destroyer of the world.

You alone are the unchanging Almighty, without qualities;

You are the most formidable, the most terrible

Refuge for all beings, the best Purifier.

You alone rule the most powerful.

The highest of the highest, Protector of the defenders.

The Almighty, who contains everything and is hidden in everything.

Inaccessible to the senses and at the same time absolutely true.

Incomprehensible, Immortal, the hidden Essence of everything.

Lord and Light of the Universe! Protect us.

We only contemplate Him, our mind is concentrated on Him alone.

He alone, the witness of everything that happens in the Universe, we worship.

We seek protection from the One who is our only Eternal Patron,

Self-existent Master, Vessel of security in the ocean of being.

This is a hymn to the Supreme Soul composed of five jewels.

He who repeats it with a pure mind and body unites with Brahman.
May the Supreme Soul keep its head,

May the Supreme Lord protect the heart,

May the Protector of the World keep his throat,

May the Omnipresent and All-Seeing face protect,

May the World Soul keep my hands, May the Receptacle of Reason keep the legs,

May the Eternal Supreme Brahman protect all parts of my body at all times.

Greetings from the supreme brahman
I bow to the Supreme Brahman.
I bow to the Supreme Soul.
I bow to the One who is above all qualities.
I bow down to the Eternal again and again.

Parameswaraya vidmahe
Paratattvaya dhimahi
tanno Brahma prachodayat.

May we know Paramesvara.
We will contemplate the Supreme Being,
And may Brahman guide us.
(108 times)

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