Vedic astrology

Vedic Astrology Family Relationships

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It is necessary to find out how much this person is disposed to have a marriage, and is marriage possible for him?
This is due to the analysis of the general human Dharma.

It is necessary to find out how much this person is disposed to have a marriage, and is marriage possible for him?
This is due to the analysis of the general human Dharma.

We may have a desire to marry for various reasons: from a feeling of loneliness and following the tradition “because everyone does it”, from a conscious desire to fulfill our life duty (Dharma), because we are passionate about some person or just experiencing a strong desire to enjoy our feelings and it does not matter to us what kind of partner will be.

Sometimes, obeying only the strong dictates of his feelings, a man thoughtlessly enters into a relationship, then disappointment follows, he breaks up with a partner and seeks a new relationship. A whole chain of negative consequences arises: the frustrated “former partners” who interfere in our future relationships, children without a father, multiple problems of the material, moral and spiritual plan.

Since in modern godless civilization the desire to uncontrollably satisfy one’s feelings is paramount, one has to deal with such situations more and more often. This is a natural sign of the destruction of the Dharma, or what is called adharma.

adharmabhibhavat krsna pradusyanti kula-striyah

strisu dushtasu varsneyya jayate varna-sankarah


"When unbelief prevails in the family, O Krishna, the women of this family are corrupted, and the degradation of women, O descendant of Vrishni, leads to unwanted offspring." (BG 1.40) "

Thus, the main danger posed by relationships based only on lust is Varna-sankara or the birth of unfortunate, unhappy generations of people with destroyed Dharma. This is because the fate of the child depends entirely on the state of mind of the parents at the time of conception.

If conception happened by chance, the parents were not going to have children and were even afraid of this, then depending on the depth and strength of the desecration of this desire, a person is born with negative indicators in the horoscope, or in other words, a Soul is involved, connected by negative karma with its parents.

If the parents had a strong reluctance in their minds to have children, a child may be born who will not be able to produce offspring himself or who has difficulties with conceiving and having children. If a mother at the time of conception was disappointed with her marriage, in her mind there was a strong desire to be independent and independent, then her daughter or son may have very weak indicators for marriage in the horoscope.

If there was only lust in the minds of both parents, then their child will be born with indicators of strong lust and weak Dharma.

This is the gradual degradation of mankind, and even modern materialistic scientists, psychologists, and sociologists are already talking about the growing tendency to destroy the institution of marriage and the family in the future. Thus, when analyzing marriage in a horoscope, we must first of all take into account that most likely we are already dealing with Varna - sankara, that is, a person with already destroyed Dharma, and we cannot use the usual methods for determining compatibility without first analyzing individual karma of personality.

Sanjay Rath says: “Dharma is considered from the ninth house, and the fractional card, which divides the sign into 9 parts, is called Navamsha. Parashara Muni advises us to research this fractional map (Navamsha) of the spouse or spouse, as it shows the fruits and achievements of the Dharma.

Thus, the 11th sign from the 9th house is the 7th house, which indicates an increase in the Dharma and the 12th sign from the 9th house is the 8th house, which indicates the destruction or decrease of the Dharma. Thus, marriage shows the growth of the Dharma, while widowhood symbolizes the destruction of the Dharma. During the Hindu wedding, the son-in-law is regarded as Vishnu, since his arrival in the family leads to an increase in the Dharma. ” Thus, success in marriage depends not only on how much a person is determined to follow the Dharma, but also on what kind of karma we are dealing with. Due to sinful acts and desires in past births, we can deal with destiny designed to atone for past sinful activities, or to correct our sinful impulses, and therefore must go through suffering in relation to marriage and partnership in this incarnation.

These sufferings can be either fatal, unchangeable atonement, or less fatal, that is, what can be corrected in this incarnation by changing the qualities of our subtle body, that is, our mood.

This raises the question of the varnasrama system, the restoration of which can help humanity as a whole. Four ashrams and four ayans.

There are 4 ashrams or social conditions of a person, which are closely related to the 4 main goals of human embodiment: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

1 ashram - before marriage, when a person grows and learns how to follow the Dharma correctly, it is called brahmacharya. This ashram recommends celibacy, or abstinence from sexual relations. At a young age, a person is busy learning how to control his feelings, on the basis of revealed scriptures. This is important for both male and female births. Also at this age, a person receives a vocational education, which later will help him to work productively, supporting his family and benefiting society as a whole.

At this stage, observance of celibacy helps a person to direct his life energy upward and use it for better brain function, which is very important in the learning process.

However, at the stage of obtaining education, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of female birth. In the male birth, obtaining a vocational education is, of course, very important, since the duty of a man is closely related to professional activity and public service. But in the female birth for many years and the enormous forces spent on obtaining education can complicate her marriage in the future. 28-30 years old is a suitable age for marriage in the male birth, but not very favorable for marriage in the female embodiment, a woman should give birth to children, and it is better if this happens in childbearing age.

Due to complete ignorance, 30-40 year old women with excellent education, a successful career and without marriage and children are increasingly found in our time. Sometimes this is due to the general karma of the person, since such a woman has no indicators for marriage and childbirth, and her birth is intended for social activities. But sometimes this happens because of one’s own stupidity, misunderstanding of one’s destiny, or because of the arbitrariness of parents who want their daughter to “get a higher education”. Realization in the professional sphere inevitably makes a woman more independent, independent, which also does not contribute to happiness in marriage, and even more enslaves a woman, depriving her of peace, happiness and good luck.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully analyze the Dharma of a woman in this incarnation before deciding whether to receive an education. Of course, another question is that sometimes women go to an educational institution to find a “good groom”, but in this case the decision on marriage has already been made, and such a woman will not spend her energy too much on training, and will not miss the main thing for herself: birth good children. Be that as it may, the house of Dharma for male birth is 9, for female birth is 5. Therefore, in female birth it is necessary to analyze first of all the 5th house in order to establish itself correctly in the Dharma.

Thus, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the houses of Dharma 1-5-9 and navamsa, as the fruits and achievements of the Dharma.

2 ashram - grhastha, associated with artha, financial support and nutrition. Most often, it is difficult to establish oneself correctly in this ashram for those who regard marriage as an institution of “receiving pleasure” or as a Kama. If a person marries, only to enjoy his feelings, he will inevitably expect disappointment.

It should be remembered that the Dharma is the basis of everything, Artha supports the Dharma, and Kama and Moksha come only as a result, as a result of Dharma and Artha.

“Striving for artha, let him follow the path of high Dharma, striving for kama through artha, and only the path of Kama does not lead to anything else. After all, Kama cannot even give birth to another Kama as a fruit, because the eaten fruit does not regenerate, and only the smell and coals remain from the burned log. ”

Mahabharata. Aranyaka Parva 28-32

When a person has decided on his Dharma, and decided that his duty is to be a family man, entering into marriage, he should first of all think about Artha, or how he will support his family and also benefit society as a whole. Artha houses: 2-10-6, the weakness of these houses does not allow a person to support a family and is often the reason for the destruction of marriage.

It is also necessary to take into account the difference between male and female births. Traditionally, and in accordance with natural law, the situation is when a man is responsible for the external side of maintaining the family, and a woman for the internal. In other words: a man works and brings money into the house, and the woman correctly uses this money to maintain the house.

Ramana Maharishi says: “The greatness of a woman’s life is infinite, her status is immeasurable, her abilities are unlimited, her role is divine. She plays the role of the keeper, creator and continuer of life. She is the center from which peace comes. Woman is balance - the balance of all Nature. She takes on all the stress of her husband and her children and prevents him from spreading further. Healing is in the arms of the mother. She heals the soul of a child. Her purpose is to ensure that the man goes to a higher consciousness. Achievements of a man in his business and in any field of activity depend mainly on the state of his mind. The state of mind of a man to a large extent depends on the state of affairs at his home. If he is happy at home, then he goes to work with ease and tranquility. If he is unhappy at home, his mind is restless, and the results of his work will never be satisfactory. ”

Thus, the strong 10th house in the male horoscope indicates a good potential to support the family and be responsible for the external side of life. But a woman’s strong 10th house, on the contrary, may indicate her tendency to use her energy outside the family, and instead of supporting her spouse and children, support her boss, her business and live an active external life. The 10th house, which is 4 of the 7th and shows the “Sukha” or happiness and satisfaction from marriage. Pests in the 10th house, especially in the female horoscope, indicate difficulties in marriage, since for the female Dharma 10 is also 6 out of 5, and may indicate problems with children. A woman who spends all her time at work can neither support her husband. Nor give happiness to their children.

Also important in this regard is the 2nd house, which is 8 of the 7th, and indicates the end of the marriage.

Since the division of the sign by 2 is the Chora, which shows the wealth of a person, it is important to consider this fractional map as well to determine the relationship between the spouses. If in the female card many male planets occupy the Solar Choir, and in the male card many male planets occupy the Moon, you can be sure: in this marriage, the burden of financial support will fall on the woman, and the man will be more passive in this regard. Such a marriage is possible only if it satisfies both spouses. Particularly important is the location of the Sun in the sunny Choir for an indicator of a more active financial partner.

3 - ashram, Vanaprastha. This ashram means partial renunciation and is associated with Kama, the satisfaction that comes as a result of the performance of the Dharma and Artha. Houses of Kama 3-7-11.

When we consider the 7th house, then, first of all, we analyze whether the person will receive satisfaction from harmonious partnerships. Or in other words, will Kama be obtained as a result of Dharma and Artha?

Sometimes a person thinks: it is important to get married / get married, and happiness is already guaranteed. It means striving for Kama. But most often it happens that a person is disappointed as a result of marriage. This happens for two reasons: 1) he did not fulfill the Dharma of marriage and did not provide its support to Artha, but only sought to enjoy at the expense of the other 2) his Dharma is not connected with marriage and partnerships.

The age of vanaprastha is usually associated with reaching the age of 50, when a person raised children, gained recognition in work, and receives the fruits of a worthy life.

At this age, a gradual departure from work is recommended and a person is freed up time to achieve the true goal of life: moving along the path to freeing material suffering from captivity. This is the path that a person walks in the case of a strong Dharma, a pious lifestyle, and a gradual transition from an ashram to an ashram. It is natural for a person who has lived his life worthily to become pacified in adulthood and begin to think about eternal values, God and liberation.

However, as we have already noticed, in our time we are increasingly dealing with the destroyed or weakened Dharma, and at the same time with the affected houses of Kama. Most often, the defeat occurs due to the location of the control planets in the Dusthans: 6-8-12 houses.

Of these, the most “malicious” are 8 and 12 houses. Here one thing needs to be understood: where pleasure ends, two paths begin: the path of suffering and the path of liberation from suffering. Dusthana 8 and 12 houses are also houses of moksha, or final liberation.

It is at the Kama level that a choice is made between material lust and Divine Love.

Our prarabha may indicate that we are “freed” from the need to fulfill our duty to our descendants, that is, to marry and have children, and our stay in this world is coming to an end.

Most often, a person is not able to perform his Dharma for reasons beyond his control in this incarnation, but undoubtedly related to his own activity in past births.

The accumulated sinful activity leads to the collapse of all aspects of material life, and this birth may be the last before falling into the lower worlds. But if the karma of renunciation is accumulated, or rather, we are saved from many consequences of sinful and pious activities due to spiritual progress in the past, then this birth may be the last before going beyond this world of suffering into a spiritual existence.

If a person has strong indicators of the absence of marriage and children - this is the first sign that a person should think about renunciation as early as possible, not expecting old age.

Attempts to “overcome karma” with sinful methods, for example, using magic, or other methods of violence against living beings, will inevitably lead to even greater decline and painful redemption in the future. But the Lord gives a chance to everyone, even the most fallen in this world, to overcome the consequences of their sinful acts by pious activities, voluntary tapasya and austerities, which should be performed only on the basis of spiritual knowledge, in the higher gunas.

janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna vita-raga-bhaya-krodha man-maya mam upashrtah bahavo gyana-tapasa puta mad-bhavam agatah

One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and my activities, leaving this body, is not born again in this material world, but enters into My eternal abode, O Arjuna. Freed from attachment, fear and anger, completely immersed in Me and finding in Me the only refuge, many, many people in the past, having known Me, have been purified and have gained transcendental love for Me (BG 4.9, 10). yasya sarve samarambhah kama-sankalpa-varjitah gyanagni-dagdha-karmam there ahuh panditam budhah He is considered to have full knowledge, who is free from desire for sense gratification. The sages say that the consequences of his activity are burned by the fire of perfect knowledge. (B.G. 4.19)

Thus, even a struck horoscope is not a cause for concern, and a person who realizes his true nature can become satisfied by gaining Love for God at any stage of his life, regardless of the nature of karma and the body in which he is located. At the level of vanaprastha, satisfaction and Kama do not come if a person does not have the fullness of spiritual knowledge, and a person even in adulthood does not stop searching for sensual pleasures.

That is why older people, most often in our time, do not become attractive with their wisdom and pacification, but represent a miserable sight, becoming more and more like lustful old monkeys, if they consider until the end of life that the enjoyment of their material feelings, the main goal of human birth.

4 ashram sannyasa - full renunciation corresponds to Moksha, liberation. This topic does not directly relate to the topic of marriage, so it will not be considered in detail. But it should be noted that a lot of yogis pointing to parivraja, renunciation, gives a person a chance to achieve renunciation in this embodiment, and you need to think: is it worth such a person to spend fruitless efforts to achieve a difficult goal: marriage?

Saturn planet in Vedic astrology

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A heavy, harsh, cold and slow planet, farthest from the Sun. It is the energy of retribution, death, corruption, and severe penance.

A heavy, harsh, cold and slow planet, farthest from the Sun. It is the energy of retribution, death, corruption, and severe penance. It is Saturn that rules old age, all old people are a manifestation of this energy, like crows, vultures, hyenas and black stallions. And also under his protection are undertakers, butchers, executioners, servants, miners, monks and ascetics. As you can see, despite the fact that it controls such negative phenomena, it is also a very spiritual energy. That is why spiritual practices burn bad karma - propitiate Saturn and make life easier, but first things first.

Saturn is energy, and as with every energy, we have certain relationships with it that can be easily seen both in the natal chart and in human behavior. And, like any relationship, they can either be improved or worsened, although the latter I highly recommend. For example, if a person works a lot, earns little, he has problems with his legs or spine, or some kind of chronic illness. He is very serious and his life is hard - then know that he has a bad relationship with Saturn. If a person does not treat elders badly, is lazy, does not engage in karma yoga (service for the benefit of others), is not interested in spiritual practices, then know that he worsens relations with Saturn.

Manifestations of Saturn’s energy depending on the mode in which a person is located (it is advisable to develop good Saturnian qualities, and get rid of ignorant and passionate ones):

Ignorance (inertia): Despondency, depression, emptiness in the soul, fear, blind and unjustified anger, betrayal, atheism (denial of God), lack of devotion, a person cannot concentrate.

Passion (activity): Everything is very clear and organized, lack of modesty, excessive caution, a person relies only on his own strength, very cold, takes everything too seriously, inability to relax.

Goodness (harmony): Modesty (humility), lack of a false ego, desire to live in a secluded place, diligence, serious attitude to spiritual values, loyalty, truthfulness, tolerance, ability to concentrate, caution, reliability, organizational abilities.

Propitiation methods of Saturn.

  1. The best method of propitiation of Saturn is austerities (voluntary deprivation in the name of a higher, spiritual goal) on Saturdays, especially if it is fasting and mauna (vow of silence). Usually they spend 9 such Saturdays, but it’s best if they’re 40. At the same time, do not forget to express your intention: let the strength come from these austerities ... (and then whatever you want), but since we started about building relations with Saturn, then: let the force go burning bad karma.

  2. Since Saturday is the day of Saturn, it is strictly forbidden to work at this time, only rest and spiritual practice! (I wrote and remembered that today is Saturday. Although, it’s not bad, because I am writing an article about Saturn. By the way, telling others about a planet, as well as reading about it on this planet’s day, is very favorable).

  3. In addition, there are many more actions that are beneficial to do on Saturdays (for a better effect, preferably 9 or 40 Saturdays):

• Bury iron (no matter where, the main thing is to do it as an offering to Saturn).

• Feed the raven, black stallions and any scavengers.

• It is very favorable to hang a horseshoe with a black stallion on the front door.

• Donate something to old people, or do something for them, as well as everyone else who is a manifestation of Saturn's energy.

By the way, there is a certain type of people whose Saturn is especially strong - you can also do something for these. They can be distinguished by high growth, thinness, a massive jaw, deep-set eyes and a heavy look. And it is also desirable that they show exactly the benevolent Saturnian qualities. And by the way, never, never in your life do not offend Saturnians - Saturn does not forgive anything.

  1. Qualities to be developed:

• Patience (yes, if you have started the Sade-Sati period, it will be very useful to you).

• Humility before a higher will (“for all the will of God” “God gave, God took”).

• Perception, lack of selfishness.

• Non-attachment (quality is almost the most important, since during the Sade-Sati period, Saturn selects everything that a person is attached to, because there is nothing to get stuck in an illusion! Saturn is a spiritual planet, and he does not like it).

• Responsibility (you see how responsibly Saturn approaches its duty - to give people the opportunity to work out bad karma, and here you are trying! Yes, not to give others the opportunity to work out bad karma, but to take responsibility for responsibilities!).

• The spirit of service, karma yoga (Saturn is an ideal servant. Indeed, how could we work out our bad karma if it did not serve us so selflessly?).

• Discipline (oh, and he does not like slobs!).

• Persistence (Saturn is very constant, well, very much! How it creates a problem for a person is for a long time!).

• Silence (by the way, this is a sign of humility).

• Lack of despondency (it happens only for those who have bad relationship with Saturn).

• Respect for elders (Saturn is the oldest planet among all the others).

• Seriousness (but do not overdo it; the ability to relate to life easily and with a sense of humor are also very important qualities).

  1. What to eat (if you can’t fast all day on Saturdays, then at least eat Saturnian food):

• Black lentils (and other legumes).

• Prunes (and other dark and dry foods).

• Bitter food (the bitter taste cleanses well precisely because it harmonizes vata - the air in the body, and Saturn is responsible for it. By the way, Triphala, a popular Ayurvedic medicine, is very suitable for these purposes).

• Fermented and pickled foods (and other old ones, but no need to eat ignorant: cooked on fire, which stood for more than three hours).

  1. Yagis and pujas for Saturn (fiery sacrifices and rituals of worship). Indeed, what could be better for building a relationship than respect? And you can try all these procedures, how to order from people professionally engaged in this (pandits, pujari) and try to do it yourself. In the latter case, do not try to do everything "letter by letter". The main thing here is a sincere expression of respect, a spirit of service and the feeling that you are giving something to Saturn - offerings, respect, your time, etc.

  2. Mantras and yantras are also very good ways to propitiate Saturn. Yantra for Saturn can be bought in an esoteric store. And the mantra of Saturn is usually this: Om Shanaischaraya Namaha. Although there are different, for example: Om Kurmaya Namaha. As you already understood, it is best to read them on Saturdays, on beads specially designed for this, for example, from amethyst (Saturn’s stone).


Legend has it that Saturn was the son of the Sun - what a paradox, because in fact, these are opposite energies. Once, the wife of the Sun could not stand his heat and went to Earth, leaving her maid Chhayu in her place (translated as “shadow”). The sun, of course, was so busy with his affairs that he did not notice the substitution, but one day something happened that made him think. Namely: a son came to him (of course, Saturn) and complained that his mother had cursed him for kicking her with his leg, and now his leg would dry out. The sun was puzzled - could a mother really do that? He replied to Saturn: “Your leg will not dry out, but I cannot completely remove the curse, so you have to remain lame”

What will happen next in this story, we will not talk, since thereafter Saturn does not appear in it. And note: this is the only legend in which Saturn's biggest dirty trick was only that he only rude his mother and kicked her. In all other legends, he appeared as the very embodiment of the worst karma. For example, the evil demon Ravana died precisely because of his gaze, but it was like this:

Ravana was the most powerful demon among all that existed then, he conquered the entire Universe and even made himself a ladder to the throne from the planets. One day, Narada, the heavenly sage, came to Saturn and asked him with reproach: “why can't you do anything with this demon, who every time ascends to the throne, humiliates you and other planets?” “I can’t,” Saturn answered, “while I’m lying face down I can’t look at him.” This was enough for the intelligent Narada, and somehow, having come to visit Ravana, he said: “Oh, king! You have such a beautiful palace! I liked everything here so much! Confused only one detail! Why do planets lie face down? After all, if you could see their suffering when you go to the throne, you would get even more pleasure! ”

And so the evil demon Ravana died. There are several more legends about Saturn's deadly gaze. For example, once Parvati asked him to see what a beautiful son she is - Ganesha. What Saturn refused for a long time, but the goddess insisted, and he cast one glance - from which the baby's head was incinerated. Of course, he was given a new one - since then Ganesha has become an elephant. But that there is a demon of Ravana and a deity, Saturn did not spare anyone: neither his parents, nor even his Guru. He cast a glance even at Shiva, however, he managed to avoid negative consequences, since for all this time he went into samadhi.

But what do we simple mortals who do not know how to enter samadhi do? Really, all my life and pay for the mistakes of the past? After all, there is nothing worse than the gaze of Saturn - at the time when he throws it at living beings - their minds change so that the most difficult karmas come out of the depths of the subconscious and the person begins to work it all out. The time when this planet casts its eyes on us is traditionally considered the Sade-Sati period, which lasts seven and a half years. And such periods in one human life, usually, there are two or three.


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This is the science of celestial bodies and their influence on man, which is more than 5000 years old.
How does Vedic astrology work?

This is the science of celestial bodies and their influence on man, which is more than 5000 years old.
How does Vedic astrology work?

The main task of Vedic astrology is to predict all future favorable and unfavorable events in a person’s life, to prevent and help him to protect himself from possible problems as much as possible.

Vedic astrology is an exact science based on mathematical calculations of planetary influence based on the data of a person’s birth (date, place and time of birth).

The accuracy of the time of birth is the most fundamental question, without it it is impossible to somehow accurately determine the beginning of a particular event, and sometimes an inaccuracy in a few seconds can completely change the birth chart, so the person’s description and forecasts will not be reliable. Since most people do not know the exact time of their birth, there is a rectification procedure in Jyotish (clarification of the moment of birth according to key events in life).

If the time of birth is known, then the Vedic astrologer compiles for a person his astrological chart (Kundali), on the basis of which he analyzes the position of the planets at the time of birth, their beneficial or malevolent influence on the individual, i.e. receives a certain visual representation of the karmic imprint. Based on this, forecasts and various recommendations can be made. The most popular types of consultations in Vedic astrology are:

Analysis of the birth chart for astrological houses
Forecast for a year and forecast for five years
Partner compatibility
Muhurta (choosing the right time to start an action)
Children's consultation (main trends, inclinations, talents)
Consultation on the personal compatibility of partners is very important to do before marriage, in order to understand in advance what to expect from family life. It is also recommended to plan in advance the time of conception of children, the construction of a house, the beginning of any important business, based on the most favorable location of the planets.

A forecast for a year and a forecast for five years is very convenient in order to be able to plan your activities. Knowing in advance when you have what period and why it is favorable or unfavorable - you will be able to competently manage your time and efforts (funds) spent, be it a business, a job change, major purchases or changes in personal relationships.

Jyotish is a universal model, applied much more widely, in comparison with many other types of predictions. Vedic astrology has nothing to do with fortune telling or clairvoyance, it is a mathematically accurate science that reflects the influence of cosmic law in the form of planetary energies from the moment a person is born and throughout life. The essence of the jyotish is not at all in predicting some predetermined events, but in preventing adverse trends and periods of life and, most importantly, providing recommendations on the timely adoption of corrective measures! The basic principle of Jyotish is: "Prevent danger before it arises." Also, the predictions of jyotish contribute to the maximum realization of one's own potential in favorable periods.

Life is very complex and dynamic, many different factors affect a person in the process of his life. But, first of all, the person himself has an impact on his life. With virtuous deeds, life according to the laws of nature, he can create good karma for himself. Similarly, evil deeds, bad thoughts and any lack of desire for light will ultimately lead a person to the abyss.

Vedic astrology

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The planets of the solar system are like a perfectly tuned heavenly clock. The rotation and movement of the planets is very accurate. They ascend and enter at a specific time.

The planets of the solar system are like a perfectly tuned heavenly clock. The rotation and movement of the planets is very accurate. They ascend and enter at a specific time.

The effects of some planetary influences are visible to the naked eye - day and night, changing seasons, ebbs and flows. All this, no doubt, has an impact on our daily lives.

But there are also processes that affect the events that happen to us, but are not visible at first glance. Astrology is an observation system that has evolved over centuries.

It is believed that the foundation of Indian astrology was laid by the sage Parashara thousands of years ago and the observations collected over all this time formed the basis of Vedic astrology.
Astrology, both eastern and western, is based on a system of predictions, in many ways similar to the system used in meteorology. But instead of predicting weather conditions, astrologers talk about the possibility of certain events at a certain position of the planets.

The main differences between Western astrology and Jyotish
About 2500 years ago, the Buddha said, 'Kim Karrisatthi Taraka?' “What can stars do?”

At the time of the birth of a person, a certain combination of the planets of the solar system is built in the sky. Based on this 'picture of the sky', the astrologer draws up an individual birth chart.

Any planet has its influence negative or beneficial, depending on the location in each case. It happens that the planets are located very favorably for the owner of the horoscope, but there are also extremely dangerous and difficult combinations.
