Why irises don't bloom. 5 reasons

  1. Too deep planting
    The "back" of the rhizome, planted too deep, is not warmed by the sun. When planting irises, pay attention to the root neck protruding from the ground by a third. In no case should it be covered with soil. Otherwise, the plant will develop and increase the "tops", but such an iris may never bloom.

  2. Little light
    Irises love sunny areas. Only there they are able to show their flowering in all its glory. In the shade, they also easily take root, but you can not wait for them to bloom.

  3. In tightness and resentment
    As I wrote above, irises grow very quickly, capturing more and more space around. After three or four years, they are so tightly pressed against each other that there is no room for the release of peduncles. Therefore, bushes at the age of four or five years must be divided and planted.

  4. Varietal features
    There are thousands of varieties and varieties of irises today, and each has its own characteristics. Take, for example, Siberian irises - they grow and develop well on acidic soils. And for the bearded, acidic soils are certain death. Therefore, before planting a new variety or species, ask yourself: what kind of soil he prefers, what should be the illumination, whether fertilizing is needed and what should be the soil moisture. Only then will you be able to figure out which varieties will not get along side by side, and which will perfectly complement each other with joint flowering.
    (Material provided by the Garden, vegetable Garden group: vk.com/intergarden )

  5. Wintering - everyone has their own
    Some species and varieties are very hardy. For example, Siberian irises do not need shelter. And delicate bearded irises of Dutch varieties can freeze, so in regions with harsh winters they need timely shelter. If this plant is covered too early, it can get stuck, too late - freeze and not bloom next year.

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