Vajroli mudra (thunderbolt) - practice for men

  1. Sitting in a meditation position (siddhasana) on a pillow, with your eyes closed, feel the vajra nadi in the genitals (urethra). Try to squeeze it by lifting the penis upward, contracting and pulling in the lower abdomen and urinary tract, as if you want to control urination. In this case, mula bandha or ashvini mudra are not performed, i.e. the muscles of these bandhas are not used.
    Frequency of execution: one squeeze for 10 seconds, relaxation - 10 seconds.
    Do it for a few minutes.
  2. Do not use the tension of the lower abdomen in the exercise, but combine the inhalation with the compression of the vajra nadi, then, making a slight hold, compression and relaxation on the exhale.
