Body biochemistry - eternal youth

We must try to get rid of the belief that the body is aging because it is so accepted. The quantum worldview, or new science, teaches that we are constantly creating and destroying our bodies.

That the body is a solid, stable object is an illusion; the body is a process, and as long as this process is directed towards renewal, the cells of the body remain young, and it does not matter how much time has passed and how strong the entropy we are exposed to. To have a renewed body, you must be ready to accept new ideas leading to new solutions.

Why do we perceive the world as really existing? Because this is how our feelings perceive him !!! We see and touch objects, but it only seems to us, says Deepak Chopra.

We see that the earth is flat, the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, but we are wrong. Because it has long been known that the earth is round, and the East and West are conditional coordinates, depending on the observer and on the place where he is. The first to pull off this mask of visibility was Einstein and his colleagues.

They put time and space in a completely new geometry. Each solid particle has turned into a beam of energy vibrating in an immense void. If we consider a person in this aspect, it becomes incredible that a person can grow old at all. The cells of a newborn baby are nothing new, the atoms that make up them have been circulating in the universe for millions of years. However, the child is created by the invisible Mind, which gathers cells together and creates a unique form of life.

Aging is a mask that covers the loss of connection with this Mind.

Quantum physics believes that the universal and energetic information field in which we live is constantly changing, turning every second into something new. For example, every second six trillion reactions take place in our cell, and if this process is disrupted, it will lead to various disorders in our body.

These breakdowns are aging. However, our body can repair itself. The skin changes once a month, the cells lining the walls of the stomach every 5 days, the liver every six weeks, and the skeleton every 3 months. By the end of this year, 98% of the atoms in your body will be replaced with new ones.

Einstein proved that the invisible world is the real world, and our body is an illusion. And if we want to get rid of aging, we must connect to the immense creative power inherent in our primary source.

We are the only creatures on Earth capable of changing biology through thoughts and feelings, endowed with a nervous system that is aware of the phenomenon of aging. Since we are endowed with consciousness, our mental state affects what we are aware of. However, each setting of the old paradigm can be replaced with a more complete and voluminous version of the truth.

The ten new installations are:

  1. The objective world, independent of the observer, does not exist

This world has certain properties. These properties should not be perceived as existing separately from the observer. Take a folding chair for example. From your point of view, this chair is small, but from the side of the ant, it is simply huge.

You feel this chair solid, and the neutrino will sweep through it at a tremendous speed, since for it the atoms will be several kilometers apart. In short, none of the objective facts on which we usually base our reality is fundamentally reliable. They are as you interpret them.

Hundreds of things and processes that take place in your body and which you do not pay attention to - breathing, digestion, raising or lowering blood pressure, growth of new cells, cleansing of toxins, etc., can be brought under your control. The very fact of focusing your attention on the automatic processes taking place in your body will also change the process of your aging, as over time our body's ability to coordinate these functions weakens.

All so-called involuntary functions, from heartbeat and breathing to digestion and hormonal regulation, can be brought under control. In laboratories that examine the mind and body, patients have learned by willpower to lower their blood pressure or reduce the secretion of acids leading to ulcers. Why not use these abilities in the aging process? Why not replace old perception stereotypes with new ones? To do this, there are numerous techniques that a person can put to his service.

  1. Our bodies are formed from energy and information

It seems to us that our bodies are made of dense matter, but physics claims that each atom is 99.9999% empty space, and subatomic particles, sweeping through this space at the speed of light, are in fact beams of vibrational energy. The entire Universe, including your body, is a non-substance and, moreover, a non-thinking substance.

The void inside each atom pulsates like an invisible mind. Geneticists put this intelligence into DNA, but only to be convincing. Life arises when DNA is not to that only your consciousness creates the time that you feel.

  1. Each of us lives in a reality that is not subject to any changes and lies beyond any changes. Knowledge of this reality will allow us to take control of all changes.

Currently, the only physiology you can follow is time based physiology. However, the fact that time is tied to consciousness implies that you can choose a completely different method of functioning - the physiology of immortality, which turns you towards the knowledge of immutability.

From infancy, we feel that there is a part in us that never changes. This unchanging part was simply called "I" by the sages of India. From the point of view of a unified consciousness, the world can be explained as a flow of Spirit - it is consciousness. Therefore, our main goal is to establish a close relationship with our “I”.

  1. We are not victims of aging, disease and death. They are part of the script, not the observer himself, who is not subject to any change.

Life at its source is creativity. When you touch your mind, you touch the creative core. According to the old paradigm, life is controlled by DNA, an incredibly complex molecule that has revealed less than 1% of its secrets to geneticists. According to the new paradigm, control over life belongs to awareness.

We fall prey to aging, disease and death as a result of our knowledge gaps about ourselves. To lose awareness is to lose the mind; to lose the mind means to lose control over the final product of the mind - the body.

Therefore, the most valuable lesson taught by the new paradigm is this: if you want to change your body, first change your consciousness. Take a look at the earth, where no one gets old - it is not “out there,” but within you.
© Deepak Chopra
