Twelfth House of Horoscope

Twelfth House of Horoscope

This is the house of loss and loss (vyaya-bhava), in contrast to the eleventh - the house of gain. If the eleventh house symbolizes profit, then the twelfth, on the contrary, means expenses.

This is the house of loss and loss (vyaya-bhava), in contrast to the eleventh - the house of gain. If the eleventh house symbolizes profit, then the twelfth, on the contrary, means expenses. Associated with it are reduction, loss and decomposition.
The main values ​​of the twelfth house: feet, moksha, recovery from illness, pleasures received in bed (mainly sleep and sex), imprisonment, isolation, the end of something, expenses (including financial), residence abroad, immigration, loss (including loss of physical energy).

The Twelfth House is a house of sorrow, disappointment, and humility. It denotes the limitations and vicissitudes of fate, sometimes indicating imprisonment. This is a house of secrecy and isolation, symbolizing backstage activities. It is associated with hospitals and monasteries. But on the other hand, the twelfth house is the house of passion, luxury and revelry, the house of the secret joys of life.
The twelfth house symbolizes the past (as opposed to the ninth house - the symbol of the future) and characterizes the karma accumulated in the past, under the influence of which we are in the present life. The 12th house indicates the destiny of the soul after death - will it ascend to heaven, will it be cast into hell or sent some other worlds. Since the 12th is the last of the houses of Moksha, this posthumous state of mind can be Moksha, liberation from the manifest existence, or freedom from the need to exist. A dream can be considered a kind of “little moksha”, as well as sex, at least for some people. The moksha principle may also involve isolation, separation from the world, especially if it leads you to an ashram or monastery. After all, the 12th house, being the fourth in relation to the 9th house (personifying a guru, teacher), and among other things, means the home of your mentor.
The 12th house may indicate guilt, regret, and sadness. It is associated with the subconscious, the area of ​​decay of our rational mind and ego, as well as with fantasies, mental disorders, and trance states. This is the house of astral Influences and our connections with the subtle planes, describing, in particular, the posthumous state of our soul.
The twelfth house marks the end of the life cycle. But putting an end to earthly existence, it at the same time signifies liberation, renunciation of the ego, renunciation and humility. Therefore, the twelfth house is also the house of yoga and meditation. Being a symbol of isolation and separation, He speaks not only of the mournful loneliness that befell a person as a result of the vicissitudes of fate, but also of the exalted loneliness and inner peace of an enlightened soul.

The Twelfth House is also connected with foreign countries, especially with distant countries and overseas lands, because it is the 9th house (the house of long-distance travel) from the 4th house, the home of your homeland. Typically, the planets in the twelfth house are for people working with foreigners or achieving success abroad, including politicians and diplomats.

The properties of the planets located in the twelfth house are lost for us or wasted. The sun here indicates a loss of self-confidence and a bad reputation. The moon - on emotional emptiness and despondency. Saturn in the twelfth house weakens the nervous system, inspires concern and fears. Jupiter generates excessive generosity that can lead a person to ruin. In general, any planet in the twelfth house deprives a person, because their energy is suppressed here.

The twelfth house can mean charitable activities, financial loss, or such speculative investments that suffer short-term losses, but can result in long-term benefits. In order to choose the most appropriate value, the jyotis see if the 12th house is well located and what is the nature of the grahs that affect it. A well located Jupiter in the 12th house may indicate investments in charity, which, impoverishing you financially, can bring “profit” from a religious point of view. On the other hand, Jupiter, poorly placed in the 12th house, may indicate donations that, in disguise of religious purposes, actually serve a bad cause. Venus (if it is poorly placed) in the 12th house may indicate a loss through persons of the opposite sex (not necessarily financial); if Venus is well placed in this house, then, despite the waste, you will also receive a proportionate pleasure. The purchase of luxury goods, which is one of the values ​​of the 12th house, will bring pleasure only if this house of yours is well configured (that is, connected with beneficial planets); otherwise, the flow rate will seem unjustified to you.

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