The revival of the former greatness of the God-man

God-man and God-manhood
1. God-manhood, God-man - this is our future, we strive for it with all our souls, we create and build it by the power of our creative, constructive thought, by the power of controlled intention.

  1. Immortal God, thinking paradoxically, possessing many bodies, living simultaneously in many realities, creating his own universe-mandala created by the mind, his personal tunnel of reality, creating his own personal history, controlling reality by willpower, spontaneously playing outside space and time - that's our ideal of God-man.

  2. Immortal God-man-world, God-man-universe, God-man - a complex blossoming multidimensional reality-mandala, manifesting and playing in a multitude of carrier bodies, living in personal time, in personal history - this is our future.

  3. The doctrine of non-duality does not divide reality into Spirit - a distant unattainable Supreme and a limited person suffering in the world of illusions, she believes in their complete unity - the God-man.

  4. God-man - an integral mind, controlling reality by the power of reason, an immortal genius-player, creating a personal history, thinking non-linearly, paradoxically - this is our future.

New world
6. The world as a complex, blooming, controlled reality-mandala, a superintelligent universe of pure dimension, where everyone is a player-creator, everyone is the universe - this is our future, where we should direct the gaze of our heart.

  1. To create such a world - a superintelligent universe, to manifest a mandala - a pure field of enlightenment, a pure dimension - this is our great goal.

  2. The God-man, a man of modern times, cannot be raised in old conditions, among outdated relations, frozen ideas and millennial, petrified stereotypes, for stronger than any chains in the world of mortals, in the world of illusions, limitations of fate and nature, man is held by his mighty chains mind.

Even wise and strong souls are not free from them if they live among those whose sleeping mind is in chains.

  1. Therefore, we will create a new world, an integral enlightened mind, a single field of collective consciousness - our own mandala from the minds of people-geniuses, creators, god-people-creators, each living in his own universe, like the creator himself.

Revival of former greatness
10. It has come, this is a Great Time! Time of great achievements, epoch-making discoveries and plans. The great gods created a plan, their assistants gave signs, the spirit of the descendants of the ancient Slavs-Aryans rose and they remembered their former greatness!

Having embarked on the path of creation, we will create a new civilization of the Vedic god-people-Aryans and the ancient gods of our ancestors, the Slavic Aryans, will be reborn and rejoice on our land with new hope, glory, splendor and strength.

  1. I call you to an enlightened action - a game, to serve the Universal enlightening forces, to the revival of the great spiritual ancestral home of all mankind, to the metacivilization of the Vedic Aryan gods to you!

12. I call you not only to quiet, silent meditation and sitting in a shutter, but also to creative creation, great action!

  1. To grandiose plans, to great creative achievements, to epoch-making discoveries, to large-scale projects, gigantic designs, to creative creation and immortality, I call you!

  2. May great deeds worthy of ancient gods and great kings, lofty thoughts, great goals, exciting and stunning ideas, global plans, large-scale projects, grandiose plans fill your mind, visit your souls, inspire your hearts!

  3. Our saints and philosophers will substantiate new goals and meanings for the new God-manhood.

  4. Armed with the wisdom of the gods, we will make our great discoveries in all sciences.

Our scientists will invent new sources of energy, magical technologies that allow you to control time and collapse space. We will master the art of thought transmission and transpersonal communication.

  1. Our inventors-managers will create new forms of super-self-organization and meta-interaction, our teacher-teachers will teach and educate gifted children - people of the future according to advanced methods.

We will create our own masterpieces in music, unique creations in painting and literature.

  1. We will develop our culture, religion, science, ethics in such a way as it was not before on Earth. We will create a sophisticated, sophisticated culture - complex, flourishing, full of grandeur, beauty, purity, sacredness, play and transcendence.

  2. We will build flying vimana cities and palace houses and will live in them like gods living in their mandala universes.

  3. We will create a new medicine, combining the achievements of the East and West, which will allow everyone to live forever, remaining young, full of strength, energy and health.

  4. We will teach our children to be versatile blooming geniuses, full of joy, greatness, talent and a daring spirit of enlightenment.

Attitude towards others
22. We will not deny other religions, ethnicities, cultures. We will help them flourish on their own.

  1. We will eliminate ethnic, religious strife, interethnic strife in the world, giving everyone a personal universe, feed all the hungry, heal all the sick, comfort all those who suffer, and show the way to God-manhood for everyone who does not see him.

  2. We will not concern ourselves with only one religion, nation, we will call for the worldwide brotherhood of all religions and the world unity of nations. By respecting the differences between cultures, religions and individuals, we will show the way for everyone through their own culture and religion.

We will attract the best of the best to cooperation with the light and depth of our wisdom, and then our clarity and wisdom will delight many, and they themselves will willingly imitate us.

About the dream and audacity of the spirit
If there are few bright stars in our sky, we light up new ones.

  1. Don't be afraid to light the stars! For this is the least that a God-man should be able to do!

  2. I am calling you not to a dull philistinism and a wretched feeling of sinfulness, but to a flight into cosmic infinity, to a divine game full of delight and excitement, to recognizing your primordial divinity, the flowering of the spirit, branching and blossoming complexity, to fearlessness and insolence of the cosmic, for those Those who are not fearless and daring in spirit will not inherit eternity and will not enter the palaces of the gods.

  3. Do not wait for words of encouragement - encourage others yourself, do not wait for inspiring speeches - inspire others yourself, do not hope for light coming from outside - reveal your own light and pass it on to others!

  4. If they call you dreamers, dreamers, do not be embarrassed, think, how can a caterpillar understand a butterfly and believe that it will have to fly?

  5. Can a mole living in a dark underground hole imagine the delight and freedom of an eagle soaring under the clouds, flying over the tops of the mountains?

  6. A man in the street will tremble from my call, a skeptic will brush aside, a pedantic clever intellectual will curl his lips, and only those who are bright in soul, wise and mind like the shining Sun - it will be picked up and carried across all Universes!

  7. I don’t call sad, skeptics, doubting, fearful and timid in spirit, like caterpillars - where are you to the scale of the stellar and the cosmic wind?

  8. Let those come who are daring in spirit, love risk and know how to dream! I call only those whose hearts are wide open to the higher worlds, whose spirit strives for the unknown and the new.

  9. Artists-creators, geniuses-philosophers, poets-dreamers, eccentric scientists, innovators-inventors, those who have their own inner secret - these are my people.

  10. Doubters, sad and indifferent will not be able to create a new world, and therefore awaken in your heart the fearlessness of the hero, the impulse and excitement of the player, the prudence and scrupulousness of a professional, the fire of Prometheus, love and faith, the courage of a creative genius and a new, majestic, stunning world will open you!

Let the faint-hearted and skeptics, whose soul does not have wings, those who cannot dream, quietly wait on the sidelines, while we, daring dreamers, gambling and fearless experimental players, will move forward.

Forward on the ladder of evolution. Forward to God-manhood, to a new great life, to God-civilization!

Creative power
35. We will direct our common thought and creative power into the future and create the magical space of the Gods, full of harmony, beauty, greatness, purity, play and paradox.

  1. Let the geniuses, talents, future god-men, those chosen by the gods and siddhas for great deeds and the embodiment of great goals, gather and show their creative power.

  2. Let them act faster, ahead of time, create smarter than blind elements and processes, wiser than the laws of nature.

  3. Our genius scientists will describe the world using all the esoteric and scientific knowledge of the universe, our divine artists and musicians will create masterpieces, our architects will design magnificent temples, and our designers will design wonderful landscapes.

  4. Our teachers will bring up creative children-geniuses, our managers will create an integral network intelligence that allows everyone to feel one with everyone and the entire Universe.

So, relying on creative power, we will create a new civilization of the Aryan god-men, sages, geniuses, great saints, yogis and siddhas.

Think Deeper, Do Faster
40. The world of illusion and limitations is endless, so let us oppose it with our endless clarity, wisdom, will, the game of creation!

  1. Let's play faster, stronger, more dexterous and flexible, outstripping in everything the force of inexorable time, the force of illusion and limitations, until it hardens obediently and humbly at our feet, and fulfills our desire - universal eternal happiness!

  2. For this, we will begin to continuously learn, we will act faster and think deeper, we will discover talents in ourselves, educate geniuses and raise saints.

  3. We will take as a role model the best, the most beautiful, the wisest that exists in the world from the Earth created by mankind in science and culture.

  4. We will inspire with our dream, our successes, people all over the world, showing what life is according to the laws of the gods, we will be the first to become immortal, then we will go beyond the solar system and go out into deep space to realize the dream of human childhood.

  5. Our spiritual and esoteric teachings will reveal new secrets to us, directing us to the stars and to the subtle worlds of the higher divine dimensions.

  6. ​​Advance contemplation, creating new systems-mandalas, discovering new realities and generating new meanings - this is the way to the Great Transition!

47. To realize all our grandiose plans, we may need a lot of time, so we need to seriously think about unlimited longevity and immortality.

  1. Merging thousands of our consciousnesses into one, into a single superintelligent meta-system, we will create an integral mind, and by arranging a collective brain attack on the limitations of nature - old age, illness, suffering, death, we will conquer them!

  2. Drawing on our deep spiritual knowledge, our institutions will find technologies of immortality and eternal youth for all.

  3. Like the ancient gods, we are young gods, we will master the free reboot of consciousness into other carriers, the distribution of consciousness and multi-body, then we will learn to manage time and fold space.

We will make our bodies immortal and numerous in order to live forever, we will create personal universes by the power of reason, we will conquer time at the same time with space, we will go where only the gods used to go!

Integral Mind
51. Solidarity, unity, creativity, creative activity, talent, creativity, the importance of creative individuality - this is the motto of our era.

  1. We will attract the newest technologies, making discoveries and introducing inventions, we will continuously develop, creating a complex, blossoming, branching single network, a giant integral mega-mind.

  2. We will surpass with our fast, like light, thought the power of nature's limitations, the cosmic illusion-maya, and transform our world full of suffering, samsara, into the divine dimension of pure vision - the mandala, passing into it to live like gods.

  3. We will create an integral mind, where everyone will be everything, and everyone will be everyone, where constant spiritualization, enrichment and development of their personality will become the natural meaning of everyone's life, benefiting everyone. We will delight with our wisdom and command the respect of even skeptical unbelievers.

  4. Thanks to the integral mind, distributed consciousness, artificial intelligence, new humanitarian technologies, we will be able to suggest the direction of evolution to each person, regardless of his religious, nationality, or in accordance with them, taking into account the personal desire of each.

  5. We will be ahead of the present world by thousands of years, and, having gone far ahead, into the future, into the depths of the galaxy, into the neuro-worlds, into the integral mind, into the controlled universes, into the spheres where only gods now live, we will call the rest of humanity. From the height of the cosmic greatness and wisdom of the gods, we will tell all of humanity the direction of evolution.

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