The last sensational interview of Nikola Tesla

"I wanted to illuminate the whole earth." Nikola Tesla gave this interview to journalist John Smith in 1899.
Tesla: Yes, I have made some very important discoveries. And yet I was defeated. I have not achieved the greatness that I could have achieved.

Journalist: What does this mean?

Tesla: I wanted to illuminate the entire Earth. There is enough electricity to create a second sun. Light revolves around the equator like a ring around Saturn.
Humanity is not ready for greatness and goodness. In Colorado Springs, I lit the earth with electricity. You can also receive other energies, such as positive mental energy. They are found in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the poetry of great poets. The Earth itself contains the energies of Joy, Peace and Love.

Their manifestations are banal: a flower growing from the soil, the food we receive, and everything that homeland means to a person. I've spent years looking for a way to make this energy more powerful in people. The beauty and scent of roses can be used for medicinal purposes, and the sun's rays can be used as food.

Life has an infinite variety of forms, and it is the duty of the scientist to find it in every form of matter.

Three things are essential here.

All I did was look for them. I know that I will never find them, but I will not give up my search.

Journalist: What are these things?

Tesla: One problem is food. How can stellar or terrestrial energy feed the hungry on Earth? What wine can you give to drink all those who are thirsty so that they can have fun in their hearts and understand that they are Gods?

Another problem is to destroy the power of evil and suffering in which human life passes! Sometimes evil and suffering arise like an epidemic in the depths of space. In this century, the disease has spread from Earth to the Universe.

And third - is there an excess of Light in the Universe? I discovered a star that, according to all astronomical and mathematical laws, could disappear, but nothing seemed to change. The star is in the galaxy.
Its light is so dense that if you squeeze it, it will fit into a sphere smaller than an apple, but it will be heavier than our Sun.

Religions and philosophies teach that a person can become Christ, Buddha and Zarathustra. What I am trying to prove is even more wild and almost unattainable. The universe is created so that every creature is born as Christ, Buddha and Zarathustra.

I know that gravity is the key to everything you need to fly, and I intend not only to create flying devices (airplanes or rockets), but also to teach humans to regain their own wings. I am trying to awaken the energy in the air.

The main sources of energy are available. What is considered empty space is simply a manifestation of unawakened matter.

There is no empty space either on this planet or in the Universe. The black holes that scientists talk about are the most powerful sources of energy and life.

Journalist: Birds fly every morning to your window at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on the 33rd floor.

Tesla: A person should be especially warm to birds. Because of their wings. Once upon a time, he too had wings, real and visible!

Journalist: Your fans are complaining that you are attacking relativity. Your statement that matter has no energy is strange to say the least. If everything is saturated with energy, then where is it?

Tesla: First there was energy, and only then did matter appear.
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, this is tantamount to saying that your father gave birth to you.

Tesla: Exactly! How about the birth of the universe?

Matter is created from the primary and eternal energy that we know as Light. He shone, and from him appeared a star, planets, man and everything on Earth and in the Universe. Matter is an expression of infinite forms of light, since energy is much older than matter.

There are four laws of creation.

First: the incomprehensibility of the source, the dark plane, which cannot be comprehended by the mind or measured mathematically. The entire Universe fits into this plan.

The second law: the spread of darkness, which is the true nature of Light, from the incomprehensible, and its transformation into Light.

The third law: the need for Light to become the matter of Light.

And fourth: there is no beginning and no end.

The three previous laws always take place, and Creation is eternal.

Journalist: In your hostility to the theory of relativity, you go so far as to lecture against its creator on your birthdays.

Tesla: Remember, this is not a curved space, this is a human mind, unable to comprehend infinity and eternity! If relativity had been correctly understood by the creator of the theory, he would have acquired immortality, even physical, if only he wished.

I am part of the world and this is music. Light fills my six senses: I see, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. My sixth sense is thinking.

Particles of Light are recorded notes. A thunderbolt can be a whole sonata. Thousands of lightning is a concert.

For this concert, I created a fireball that can be heard on the icy peaks of the Himalayas.

As for the Pythagoreans and mathematicians, a scientist cannot. I don't encroach on them. The numbers and equations are just symbols that express the music of the spheres.

If Einstein heard these sounds, he would not have come up with the theory of relativity. Such sounds are messages to the mind that life has meaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is the cause and effect of Creation. Such music is the eternal cycle of the starry skies.

Even the smallest star has a complete structure and is also part of a starry symphony. The human heartbeat is part of the symphony of the Earth.

Newton knew that the secret lies in the geometric arrangement and movement of celestial bodies. He was aware of the existence of a supreme law in the universe. Curved space is chaos, and chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the times of sound and fury.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, can you hear this music?

Tesla: I hear it all the time. My spiritual ear is as big as the sky that we see above us. And I amplify the corporeal ear with a radar.

According to the theory of relativity, two parallel lines will intersect at infinity. That is, Einstein's curvature will straighten. Once created, the sound will last forever. He may disappear for man, but he will continue to exist in silence, which is man's greatest power.

No, I have nothing against Einstein himself. That is how he is, and he did a lot of good things, some of them became part of the music. I will write to him and try to explain that the ether exists, and that its particles are what keeps the Universe in harmony and life in eternity.

Journalist: You've talked a lot about the power of visualization.

Tesla: I would like to thank visualization for all my inventions. The events of my life and my inventions really stand before my eyes, visible as each separate event or thing.

In my youth, I was scared, not knowing what it was, but later I learned to use this power as an exceptional talent and gift. I nourished her and protected her jealously.

Also, through visualization, I corrected most of the inventions and completed them, mentally visualizing the solution of complex mathematical equations. For this gift I received the title of Supreme Lama in Tibet.

My eyesight and hearing are perfect, and I dare say, stronger than other people. I hear thunder at a distance of 250 km and see colors in the sky that other people cannot see. I acquired such an aggravation of vision and hearing as a child. Later I developed them deliberately.

Journalist: Our readers would like to know about your philosophy.

Tesla: Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feel the rhythm, tune in to it and indulge it. He expresses gratitude and gives me knowledge.

All living things are connected by a deep and wonderful interaction: man and the stars, amoeba and the Sun, the heart and the rotation of an infinite number of worlds. Such connections are indestructible, but they can be obedient, peaceful and create new and different connections in the world without breaking old ones.

Knowledge comes from outer space; our vision is its most perfect unfolding. We have two eyes: earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that they become one. The universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal.

A stone is a thinking and intelligent creature, just like a plant, a wild animal and a person. The shining star asks to be looked at.

And if we were not so absorbed in ourselves, we would have understood her language and message. The breath, eyes and ears of a person must obey the breath, eyes and ears of the universe.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, what is electricity to you?

Tesla: Everything is Electricity. In the beginning there was light, an inexhaustible source from which matter was released and distributed into all forms presented in the Universe and on earth with all its aspects of life.

The true face of Light is darkness, and only we do not see it. This is a wonderful grace bestowed on man and other creatures. One of the particles of darkness has light, temperature, nuclear, chemical, mechanical and unidentified energy.

She has the power to rotate the Earth in orbit. This is truly the lever of Archimedes.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, are you too biased towards electricity?

Tesla: Electricity is me. Or, if you like, I am electricity in human form. Mr. Smith, you are also electricity, you just don't realize it.

Tesla coil

Journalist: Can you run 1 million volts of electricity through your body?

Tesla: Imagine a gardener being attacked by plants. Of course, that would be complete absurdity.

The human body and brain are made of a lot of energy; most of me is electricity. The individual energy inherent in everyone creates the human "I" or soul. Not so with other creations: the soul of a plant is the soul of minerals and animals.

Brain function and death are manifested in the light. When I was young, my eyes were black, but now they are blue.

Over time, the tension in the brain becomes stronger, so the eyes seem to fade. White is the color of heaven.

One morning, a white dove, which I usually

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