Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama - a sound like the buzzing of a bee

“Inhale slowly, do bhramari kumbhaka and exhale slowly. This creates the sound of a buzzing bee.

“Inhale slowly, do bhramari kumbhaka and exhale slowly. This creates the sound of a buzzing bee.

Listening to this sound, place manas in the center of the sound. This is how samadhi comes, the knowledge of So Ham (I am He) grows and great happiness comes. "

Gheranda Samhita (7.10-7.11)

We sit down in sukhasana or siddhasana, set the position of the hands, as in sahita-kumbhaka, slowly inhaling through one nostril, exhaling through the other, trying to make the throat buzz like a bee. We listen to this buzzing until the mind merges with sound in samadhi and dissolution (laya) occurs.

“Breathe in the air quickly with a loud buzz-like sound, and exhale slowly, producing a quieter buzzing bee sound. By doing this practice, the sadhak becomes the master of the yogis, and his mind dissolves in bliss. "

Swatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika (2.6

This is "bhramari" (pranayama of the "buzzing bee"), it is so called because the sound that the yogi makes during breathing is similar to the sound of the buzzing of a bee.

Option I

Sit in the correct posture, siddhasana or sukhasana, with the spine straight, the body steady and completely relaxed. Keep your eyes closed.
Cover your ears with your index or middle fingers. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, listening to the sounds of the breath.
When exhaling, a soft, low-pitched sound similar to the buzzing of a bee should be heard.
Throughout the entire exhalation, keep your attention on this sound.
Take a deep breath again and then exhale as described above.
This is one cycle. Perform 10 to 20 of these breaths.

In a more difficult version, after exhalation, holding the breath, jalandhara and mula bandha are performed.

Several breaths can be taken between cycles to restore the natural breathing rhythm.

At the end of the practice of pranayama, remain in meditation for some time, listening to the sounds arising inside.

Option II (with shanmukhi mudra)

This option differs from the previous one in that after inhalation, the breath is held, mula bandha and shanmukhi (yoni) -mudra, that is, the ears are closed with thumbs, eyes - with index fingers, nostrils - with middle fingers and mouth - with ring fingers and little fingers.

Hold your breath as far as it is comfortable for you.

Behold the subtle sounds or visions of light that may appear before your eyes, that is, without following them, remain in awareness. You should not judge sounds, think about them, or try to get a better look at them. Combine sounds and presence of awareness.

When the breath-hold comes to an end, loosen your middle fingers and exhale smoothly, making a whirring sound, as described in the first option.

Perform 10 to 20 cycles.

This pranayama is recommended to be performed after the practices of the Shakti-yantra section, since the depth of the manifested sounds depends on the strength of the ascending energy flow in the body. The best hours of the day for contemplating the sounds of Nada are early morning or late evening.

The sound of bhramari induces heightened awareness, whereby the winds enter the central channel.
