RAHUL Pandey

Date of birth: 
15 July
Country, region (city): 
Bad habits: 
Positive attitude
Type of food: 
Raw food diet
Interests: Spirituality: Self-development and self-knowledge through ancient Vedic practice, Travel, Yoga, Meditation, Making films, Writer Reading books and meeting new creative people.
My goals: 
Share Life Love Peace
A little about yourself: 
I am 34 years old, working as a Director and a filmmaker. I live in Mumbai but I am born in north India Himalaya .. as a filmmaker/traveler, I travel a lot in Himalaya, where I learned to how to know my self first before share my life, love, and peace. my
Books that changed my life: 
Srimad Bhagat Gita
The main purpose of registration: 
serious relationship meeting new creative people and Friendship
What qualities of character you like in people?: 
open minded
On what topics you like to talk?: 
life love peace
What do you uplifting?: 
think always present life and follow time and situations
What would you like to change in the world?: 
How do you like to relax: 
What skills and abilities you want to learn: 
Connected with nature
What you need to do to improve the environment in the world ?: 
What exactly do you need to be happy?: 
What kind of gifts do you like: 
any which connected. Soul
Your attitude to children?: 
Tell us about your pet, if you have?: 
I love Animal
Where do you want to live and why: 
Any where in this world where I find Love Respect
The house of your dreams, and why such : 
Yes I have dreams to make my own house .
What does it mean for you family?: 
Do you like growing plants and what?: 
What's your favorite time of the year and why?: 
